大学体育——乒乓球(江苏大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版


作业1 乒乓球运动基础知识 单元作业

1、 请简述乒乓球起源阶段的基本特征。
评分规则:  乒乓球起源阶段的基本特征:一是,乒乓球运动在器材和游戏方法上有明显的网球运动项目的痕迹;二是,作为体育运动,在开展的水平上,还处于游戏水平的阶段。

2、 请简述乒乓球两种握拍方法。
评分规则:  乒乓球握拍包括横握球拍和直握球拍两种类型。1.直握球拍方法直握球拍的特点是,手腕比较灵活,可以较充分地运用手腕动作。直握球拍方法有两种,一是,用拇指和食指落在拍肩上。以右手执拍为例,食指的第二关节压住球拍的右肩,其第一关节自然向内弯曲,拇指的第一关节压住球拍的左肩,中指第一指关节托于球拍背面,与其他二指自然弯曲斜形重叠。这样的握拍方式,便于反手推挡技术,适用于直拍左推右攻打法;二是,另一种直拍握拍方法便于用直拍的反面进行击球拇指握拍时,拇指的位置相对握的比较直,食指握的比较松。中指、无名指和小指的握法已经不是呈现出半环状,以及用中指的第二、第三关节顶住球板;而是用中指和无名指的指端顶住球板。2.横握球拍方法与直握球拍比较,横握球拍方法比较简单,而且动作容易固定,易于发力。但灵活性略差。横握拍方法是,中指、无名指和小指自然握住拍柄,拇指在球拍的正面轻贴在中指旁,食指自然伸直斜放于球拍的反面,虎口正中央贴近拍肩的侧面。

1 乒乓球运动基础知识 单元测验

1、 比赛台面包括球台台面的垂直侧面。
答案: 错误

2、 我国乒乓球运动员第一个获得世界冠军的是容国团。
答案: 正确

3、 乒乓球台的长  米、宽  米、高   米。球台台面两端的白线叫   ,球台台面两侧的白线叫   。
答案: 2.74,1.525,0.76,端线,边线

4、 乒乓球的击球时间分为    、    、    、     、   。
答案: 上升前期 、 上升后期 、 高点期 、下降前期 、 下降后期 。

2 乒乓球正手平击发球技术 单元测验

1、 正手平击发球技术基本特点是:发球的力量较大,球的飞行距离更长。The feature of forehand flat serve: a serve with great power and long flying distance.
答案: 错误

2、 正手平击发球前,应选好站位,离球台约  厘米。双脚开立,比肩膀略宽,膝盖弯曲,不越过脚尖,双膝内扣。Before forehand flat serve, stand about         cm away from the table. Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your knees, not over toes. Buckle your knees inward.
答案: 50

3、 正手发奔球技术的练习方式有:一人练习、两人对练和    。 The practice methods for forehand rush serve are practice alone, practice in two and                 .
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)四人对练;
practice in four

4、 发球时,球垂直向上抛起,高度应不低于  厘米。For a legal serve, the ball should be thrown up vertically, and the height should not be less than         cm.
答案: 16

作业2 乒乓球正手平击发球技术 单元作业

1、 请简述合法发球的规则要求。Please briefly describe the rules for a legal serve.
评分规则:  1.准备发球时,球自然地置于不持拍手的手掌上,手掌张开,球保持静止状态。1. In preparation for the serve, the ball is placed naturally on the palm of the non-clapping hand, with the palm open and the ball at rest.
2.发球时,应将球几乎垂直地向上抛起不少于16厘米,抛起的高度可以参照球网的高度,因为球网是15点25厘米,意味着抛球的高度应高于球网,同时不能使球旋转。2. When serving, the ball should be thrown up by no less than 400px in an almost vertical direction with reference to the height of the net, as the net is 381.25px, which means that the ball should be thrown higher than the net without any spin.
3 从发球开始,到球被击出,球要始终在比赛台面的水平面以上和发球员的端线以外。3.From the time the ball is served to the time it is hit, it must always be above the level of the table and beyond the server’s end line.
4.球一旦被抛起,发球员的不执拍手及其手臂应立即从球和球网之间的空间移开,不能阻挡接发球方看到发球的触球瞬间。4. Once the ball is thrown, the server’s unclapping hands and arms shall immediately move away from the space between the ball and the net, without preventing the receiver from seeing the touch of the serve.

2、 请简述正手发奔球技术练习中常见的问题。Please briefly describe common mistakes that may happen in the practice of forehand rush serve.
评分规则:  手腕过紧这会导致击球力量小,球速慢。练习时,应注意引拍动作要放松;引拍幅度不够,这同样会使击球力量较小,球速慢,练习时,应注意稍加大引拍幅度。挥拍方向过于向前下方,这会导致球的飞行弧线过高,球速变慢。因此,练习时,应注意与平击发球向后上方引拍和向前下方挥拍不同,发奔球时应向后方引拍、向前稍下的方向挥拍击球。A tight wrist will result in less power and a slower ball. When practicing, should pay attention to lead the racket action to relax; The beating range is not enough, which will also make the hitting power is small, the ball speed is slow, practice, should pay attention to slightly increase the beating range. Swing too far forward and down, which causes the ball to curve too high and slow down. Therefore, when practicing, you should pay attention to the difference between driving the racket back and up and driving the racket forward and down, and driving the racket back and slightly down the direction of driving the racket forward. 

3 乒乓球反手推-拨技术 单元测验

1、 反手推拨球技术的击球时间是在下降期,击球中下部。The timing of backhand drive is at the falling period. Hit the ball at or below its center. 
答案: 错误

2、 在学习乒乓球技术动作时,应该从击球前、击球时和击球后,这3个方面去分解学习。We always decompose the movement in table tennis by three time periods: before hitting, when hitting and after hitting.
答案: 正确

3、 乒乓球的击球部位分为上部、中上部 、中部 、中下部和底部。The hitting spots are generally divided into 5 parts: upper part, upper middle part, middle part, lower middle part, and lower part.
答案: 正确

4、 在比赛中,反手推(拨)技术能扩大主动进攻范围,是乒乓球运动中主要的控制和防御技术。Backhand drive can expand the offense range. It is the main control and defense technique in table tennis. 
答案: 正确

作业3 乒乓球反手推-拨技术 单元作业

1、 请简述直拍反手推挡和横拍拨球技术在练习中的注意事项。Please briefly describe what we should pay attention to during backhand drive for pen-hold and shake-hands respectively.
评分规则:  直拍反手推挡时,注意:1肘关节靠近胸腹侧,便于发力。2挥拍方向向前上方A backhand push with a straight hand:1.The elbow is close to the ventral side of the chest for easy power generation. 2.Swing forward and upward
横拍反手拨球时,注意:1肘关节略微提起2击球时前臂和手腕略用弹击的方式发力。When flipping the backhand:1 Raise the elbow slightly.2.When hitting the ball, the forearm and wrist are slightly used to send force by bouncing.

2、 请简述反手推(拨)技术在练习中的常见问题。Please briefly describe the common mistakes that may happen during backhand drive practice.
评分规则:  拍型过压或过仰。过于压拍击球时,则使球的飞行弧线低和短,球会飞入网中。过于仰拍击球时,使球的飞行弧线高和长,球易飞出台面。击球时,拍型应稍前倾;未撞击来球。在球拍触及来球时,拍型偏向一侧,导致球拍触及来球的侧面,使球飞出球台边线。击球时,拍型应面向正前方;挥拍方向过于向前或向下,挥拍方向向前过多或向下会造成球飞行的弧线低和短,球易飞入网中。挥拍时,应拍型前倾,向前上方挥动。 Overpressure or overtilt of the racket. When you overpress the racket, you make the arc of the ball low and short, and the ball will fly into the net. When hitting the ball with an overtilt, the arc of the ball’s flight is high and long, so that the ball can easily fly out of the surface. When hitting the ball, the racket should be slightly forward; The ball is not hit. When the racket touches the ball, the racket is tilted to one side, causing the racket to touch the side of the ball and send the ball off the edge of the table. When hitting the ball, the racket should face straight forward; Swinging too much forward or down will cause the ball to fly in a low and short arc and easily into the net. When swinging, the racket should be tilted forward and waved forward and upward.

4 乒乓球正手攻球技术 单元测验

1、 正手攻球技术的击球时间是在上升期,击球中上部。The timing of forehand drive is at the rising period. Hit the ball above its center. 
答案: 错误

2、 正手挡球技术特点的是:球的飞行速度快,动作幅度大。The features of forehand block are:fast ball speed,large motion.
答案: 错误

3、 在学习乒乓球技术动作时,应该从击球前、    和击球后,这3个方面,按顺序去分解学习。1. Fill in the blanks: We always decompose the movement in table tennis by three time periods: before hitting,      hitting and after hitting.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)击球时;

4、 乒乓球的击球部位分为上部、   、中部、中下部、底部。2. Fill in the blanks: The hitting spots are generally divided into 5 parts: upper part,      part, middle part, lower middle part, and lower part.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)中上部;
upper middle

作业4 乒乓球正手攻球技术 单元作业

1、 请简述直拍正手挡球和横拍正手挡球技术在练习中的注意事项。Please briefly describe what we should pay attention to during forehand block for pen-hold and shake-hands respectively.
评分规则:  1 拍面前倾并稳定,不要晃动或摆动。2 肘关节的位置相对稳定,挥动前臂去击球。3击球点在身体前侧方。1.Tilt and stabilize the front of the bat, do not sway or swing.2.With the elbow in a relatively stable position, swing the forearm to hit the ball.3.Hit the ball in front of the side of the body.

2、 请简述正手攻球技术在练习中的常见问题。Please briefly describe the common mistakes that may happen during forehand drive.
评分规则:  1肘关节运动过多。引拍时拍型应前倾,在挥拍击球时,采用抬肘的方式挥拍,使球落在台面上。但这种方式不易控制球,易失误。解决这个问题的方法是,注意使用手指去调整拍型,使用前臂去挥拍击球。1.Excessive elbow movement. When leading the racket, the racket type should be forward. When swinging the racket, the way of lifting the elbow is used to swing the racket, so that the ball falls on the table. But this way is not easy to control the ball, easy to miss. To solve this problem, pay attention to using your fingers to adjust the racket shape and using your forearm to swing the ball.
2手腕僵硬,肩膀运动过多。以这种方式击球,不利于正手攻球技术学习时的主动发力。3击球点过早或过晚。击球点过早,击球易失误。击球点过晚,使回合中球速过慢。正确的击球点应在身体的前侧方。2.Wrist stiffness, too much shoulder movement. Hitting the ball in this way is not conducive to the active force of learning the forehand attacking technique.3.Hitting the ball too early or too late. Hitting the ball early, easy to miss the ball. Hitting late makes the ball slow in the round. The correct hitting point should be on the front side of the body.

5 乒乓球步法 单元测验

1、 单步的特点是移动速度比较快,重心转换比较平稳。The features of single step are: fast moving speed and stable shift of body weight.  
答案: 正确

2、 并步移动的幅度比单步小,比跳步大。由于并步移动时没有腾空动作,故有利于保持身体重心的稳定。Double step is smaller than single step but larger than side step. Since you are not off the ground during double step, it is helpful to maintain your body weight. 
答案: 错误

3、 跳步移动的幅度比单步、跨步都大。跳步是,各打法向左、右或侧身移动时常用的步法。Side step (jump step) is larger than single step and double step. It is a commonly used footwork to move to the left, right or sideways.
答案: 正确

4、 用来对付离身体较远的来球。快攻或弧圈打法在侧身进攻后扑正手位大角度来球,和在扑正手位进攻后回反手位进攻时常用交叉步步法。Cross step is used to return the ball that is far away from the body. It is used when returning a ball on forehand side after a forehand stroke on backhand corner and when returning a ball on backhand side after a stroke on forehand side.  
答案: 正确

作业5 乒乓球步法 单元作业

1、 请简述交叉步的特点和运用。Please briefly describe the features of cross step and when it is used.
评分规则:  交叉步主要是用来对付离身体较远的来球。快攻或弧圈打法在侧身进攻后扑正手位大角度来球,和在扑正手位进攻后回反手位进攻时常用这种步法。The cross step  is mainly used against the ball far away from the body. Fast break or loop play this step is often used to hit a wide Angle shot from the forehand position after a side attack, or to hit the backhand position after a forehand attack.

2、 请简述并步步法的特点。 Please briefly describe the features  of double step.
评分规则:  并步就是一脚先并,同时另一脚再跨出一小步。并步移动的幅度比单步大,比跳步小。由于并步移动时没有腾空动作,故有利于保持身体重心的稳定。它是削球打法常用步法之一,快攻或弧圈打法在侧身进攻或进攻削球作小范围移动时经常运用。A double step is a step with one foot and a small step with the other. A double step has a larger amplitude than a single step and a smaller amplitude than a jump step. Because there is no air movement in parallel step movement, it is conducive to maintaining the stability of the body’s center of gravity. It is one of the most commonly used footwork in chop play, and is often used in the fast break or loop play in the side attack or in the attack chop for a small range of movement.

6 乒乓球正手滑步攻球技术 单元测验

1、 滑步攻球技术练习时,正确的击球点应在身体的前侧方。When practice side step drive, the correct hitting point should be on the front right/left  side of the body. 
答案: 正确

2、 滑步攻球技术一人练习时,具有提高技术动作连贯性的优点。When practice side step drive in one, you can improve the continuity of the whole movement. 
答案: 正确

3、 在学习乒乓球侧身两点攻球技术动作时,应该从     、    和    ,这3个方面去分解学习。We will decompose two-position pivot forehand drive by three steps:             ,                  and                   .
答案: 侧身正手攻球、步法移动和侧身正手攻球,
first pivot forehand drive, footwork and second pivot forehand drive.

4、 滑步攻球技术无论采用哪一种练习方法,练习时都必须注意动作的   。No matter which kind of method is used, always pay attention to the            of the movement.
答案: 准确性

作业6 乒乓球正手滑步攻球技术 单元作业

1、 请简述正手两点攻球技术在练习中的常见问题。Please briefly describe the common mistakes that may happen in two-point forehand drive practice.
评分规则:  1拍型问题。有仰拍和压拍击球两种情况。仰拍击球时,使球的飞行弧线高和长,球易飞出台面。压拍击球时,则使球的飞行弧线低和短,球会飞入网中。击球时,拍型应稍前倾。1. Beat type problem. There are two ways to hit the ball: the backstroke and the pressure stroke. When you hit the ball with a backstroke, you make the arc of the ball high and long, so that the ball can easily fly out of the surface. When hitting the ball, it makes the arc of the ball low and short, and the ball will fly into the net. When hitting the ball, the racket should be slightly forward.
2.击球点过早或过晚。击球点过早易出现动作幅度过小,而击球点过晚易出现抬肘压拍的情况。正确的击球点应在身体的前侧方。2..Hitting the ball too early or too late. The early hitting point is easy to have a small range of action, while the late hitting point is easy to raise the elbow and press the racket. The correct hitting point should be on the front side of the body.
3.移动过程中需要注意,第一拍正手攻球后,脚步向来球方向移动的同时需完成下一拍正手攻球的引拍动作。3. Attention should be paid to the process of movement. After the first stroke of forehand attack, the footstep should be moved to the direction of the ball while the next stroke of forehand attack should be completed.

2、 请简述侧身两点攻球技术在练习中的注意事项。Please briefly describe what we should pay attention to in two-position pivot forehand drive practice.
评分规则:  1.身体姿态的稳定。只有在稳定的身体姿态基础上,我们才能进行位移和挥拍击球        1. Body posture stability. Only on the basis of a stable body posture can we move and swing the ball.
 2.注意身体重心的移动。良好的重心转换,将有助于两个正手攻球技术的的衔接。2. Notice how your center of gravity moves. A good shift of weight will help to connect the two forehand shots.
3 通过移动和调整步伐,找到合适的击球时间和击球部位,尽量每一次的挥拍击球,都在来球的高点前期,击球的中上部。3. By moving and adjusting the pace, we can find the appropriate time and position to hit the ball, and try to hit the ball in the early part of the high point and the middle and upper part of the ball every time.
4直握拍应通过大拇指和食指交替用力和放松的方式去调整拍型。横握拍应通过前臂的内旋和外旋动作去调整拍型,肘关节的位置应相对稳定。4.The straight grip should be adjusted by alternately pressing and relaxing the thumb and forefinger. The cross grip should be adjusted by the forearm’s inner and outer rotation, and the elbow should be in a relatively stable position.

7 乒乓球正反手结合技术 单元测验

1、 推挡侧身攻技术两人练习时,需要关注击球时间和击球部位。 When practicing backhand drive with pivot forehand drive IN TWO, there is  need to pay attention to the hitting timing and hitting spot. 
答案: 正确

2、 在左推右攻时,我们的站位需要远于球台。 When executing “backhand drive with forehand drive”, we should stand far away from the table. 
答案: 错误

3、 在学习乒乓球推挡侧身攻技术动作时,应该从   、   和   ,这3个方面去分解学习。1. Fill in the blanks: We will decompose “backhand drive with pivot forehand drive” by three steps:                  ,                 and                  .
答案: 反手推挡、步法移动和侧身正手攻球
backhand drive, footwork and pivot forehand drive

4、 在比赛中,当进入反手相持时,常采用侧身攻球去进攻得分。因此,   是一项由相持转为进攻的技术手段。3. In the match, when turning into a backhand rally, players often use pivot forehand drive to attack and score. Therefore, “                       ” is a technique to take the initiative.
答案: 推挡侧身攻
backhand drive with pivot forehand drive

作业7 乒乓球正反手结合技术 单元作业

1、 请简述左推右攻技术在练习中的注意事项。Please briefly describe what we should pay attention to in“backhand drive with forehand drive” practice.
评分规则:  1.身体姿态的稳定。只有在稳定的身体姿态基础上,我们才能进行位移和挥拍击球。1. Body posture stability. Only on the basis of a stable body posture can we move and swing the ball.
2.注意身体重心的移动。良好的重心转换,将有助于反手和正手技术的的衔接。2. Notice how your center of gravity moves. A good shift of center of gravity will facilitate the convergence of backhand and forehand skills.
3.通过移动和调整步伐,找到合适的击球时间和击球部位,尽量每一次的挥拍击球,都在来球的高点前期,击球的中上部。3. By moving and adjusting the pace, we can find the appropriate time and position to hit the ball and try to hit the ball in the early part of the high point of each swing, the middle and upper part of the ball.
4.直握拍同学练习时,应通过大拇指和食指交替用力和放松的方式去调整拍型。同时..注意手腕放松,此时..拍头呈.微下垂的状态;4. When practicing straight grip, students should pass. Thumb and index finger.Alternate the way you press and relax to adjust the racket shape. At the same time.. Note that the wrist is relaxed, at this time.The head of the racket is in a state of.
5.横握拍同学练习时,应通过前臂的内旋和外旋动作去调整拍型,前臂的内旋可以使球拍稍前倾,肘关节的位置应相对稳定,有助于提高动作的稳定性。5. Students with transverse grip should adjust the shape of the racket by internal and external rotation of the forearm. Internal rotation of the forearm can make the racket slightly forward, and the position of the elbow joint should be relatively stable, which is helpful to improve the stability of the action.

2、 请简述推挡侧身攻技术在练习中的常见问题。Please briefly describe the common mistakes that may happen in “backhand drive with pivot forehand drive” practice.
评分规则:  移动不到位,无法找到合适击球点的问题。侧身攻球时出现击球点过近、偏后的情况。练习时应快速启动和移动,去寻找合适的击球点。Not moving enough to find the right spot to hit the ball. When attacking the ball sideways, the hitting point is too close or too far behind. Start and move quickly to find the right spot to hit the ball.







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