中国文化概要(信阳学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


01 Overview概述 Quiz1

1、 Which symbol is not on our national emblem?

C:ears of grain
D:five stars
答案: hammer

2、 When was the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held?

A:September 1949
B:October 1949
C:August 1949
D:July 1949
答案: September 1949

3、 Who established the Tang dynasty?

A:Li Yuan
B:Zhu Yuanzhang 
C:Zhao Kuangyin
D:Li Shimin
答案: Li Yuan

4、 The Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou was firstly constructed in Spring and Autumn period in ancient China for the purpose of military action.

答案: 正确

5、 In ancient China, people paired items from Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches respectively to mark the year, and sixty years form a cycle.

答案: 正确

6、 In 1987, Deng Xiaoping proposed the policy of “Reform and Opening-up”. In the next few years, China’s economy has deceloped at an unprecedented rate.

答案: 错误

02 Philosophy & Religion 哲学与宗教 Quiz 2

1、 On Human NatureMencius’ philosophy about human nature improves upon Taoism and Confucianism in that it is more rational in concern with the human’s development in relation to it’s environment. Taoists believed that humans did not need cultural refinement, adjustment, or molding based on an external environment, but that it was only their pre-existing natural inborn goodness that needed to be tapped into. Confucians (like the Xunzi for example) thought that people were born innately evil. Mencius improved upon both of those by claiming the natural genetic state of humans is good only with the potential of the environment to develop that natural goodness. Mencius’ message did not entail that all humans are born good, but that humans are born with certain positive instinctual temperaments that are made good by personal development and molding from interaction with the environment. Within the analogy of the four germ sprouts, Mencius states four potentials that are hardwired into human genes; “From the feeling of commiseration benevolence grows; from the feeling of shame righteousness grows; from the feeling of courtesy ritual grows; from a sense of right and wrong, wisdom grows. People have these four germs, just as they have four limbs”. These views on human behavior point more toward modern psychology/sociology because they accept that innate human states are less significant than their position within the context of an influence from their environment. The human nature aspect of Mencius philosophy made advancements in the efficiency of logic and it is easy to see how it’s influence usurped that of Confucianism.According to Mencius’ opinion, which state below is correct?

A:Human beings are born evil, but good environment can convert people. 
B:Human beings are born evil, and environment has little influences on human beings.
C:             Human beings have good nature, but it requires a good environment to develop.
D:Human beings are genetically good, which is stable in any kind of environment. 
答案:              Human beings have good nature, but it requires a good environment to develop.

2、 “From the feeling of commiseration benevolence grows; from the feeling of shame righteousness grows” is a famous quote from ( ).

A:The Analects of Confucius
C:The Book of History
D:The Great Learning
答案: Mencius

3、 Taoist religion is an indigenous religion in China.

答案: 正确

4、 The golden mean is the core doctrine of Mohism.

答案: 错误

5、 Traditional Chinese values attach importance to individualism. 

答案: 错误

6、 Mohism cherishes universal love which states that if all people in the world loved one another, there would be no hatred. 

答案: 正确

7、 Mencius was a staunch champion of the Confucian principle that human nature tends to what is morallygood, and only runs to evil by reason of the perverse influences of external enviroment.

答案: 正确

8、 Mencius’s view on human nature is similar to modern psychology’s view on human nature.

答案: 正确

03 Literature 文学 Quiz 3

1、 Tang Dynasty poets sang for about three centuries in different tones. There were many famous poets living in the Tang period such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin. Poems of the Tang Dynasty edited in the Qing Dynasty is a collection of about 48,900 poems that were written by over 2,200 poets. But it didn’t cover all the poems of the Tang Dynasty.During the Tang Dynasty, poems were recited when lovers walked under the moonlight. Poems were also recited when soldiers fought on the battlefield. People recited them in the open air or at temple fairs.In the Tang Dynasty scholars had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of high social position but also common people. Poets recited poems; women singers sang poems and other ranks of people, including old women and children, read Tang poems. This atmosphere affected foreigners who visited the country at that time. As a result, Tang poetry was introduced to some adjacent countries, like Japan and Vietnam.Tang poetry is a most brilliant page in the history of ancient Chinese literature. It’s a miracle in the cultural history of mankind. The Tang Dynasty was a powerful empire with a vast territory. It inherited Chinese civilization that went back to ancient times, and was combined with the best of other cultures and adopted the benefits of other nations in the world. Tang poetry wasn’t the only spiritual wealth created by the Tang Dynasty people. Philosophy and religion, handwriting and painting and music and dance all gained new peaks of development. Tang poetry, however, was the jewel in the crown and its greatest achievement.        5. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that           .

A:there were more than 48,900 poems written in Tang Dynasty
B:in total there were four famous poets in the Tang Dynasty
C:only people in the Tang Dynasty created poems
D:in the Tang Dynasty most common people were poets
答案: there were more than 48,900 poems written in Tang Dynasty

2、 6. The underlined word “adjacent” in Paragraph 3 probably means           .

答案: neighboring

3、 7. What does the author really want to tell us in Paragraph 3?

A:In the Tang Dynasty all scholars were poets.
B:Tang Dynasty poems were quite popular.
C:Many foreigners came to our country during the Tang Dynasty.
D:In the Tang Dynasty many poems were sung by women singers.
答案: Tang Dynasty poems were quite popular.

4、        8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A:Why the poets created poems.
B:Some other kinds of spiritual wealth in the Tang Dynasty.
C:The significance and influence of the Tang Dynasty.
D:The editors of Poems of the Tang Dynasty.
答案: The editors of Poems of the Tang Dynasty.

5、 Chinese classical literature refers to literary works from the days before the Qin dynasty to the late Qing dynasty.

答案: 错误

6、 The Book of Songs is a collection of China’s 305 oldest poems written in the Spring and Autumn period.

答案: 错误

7、 Du Fu has long been considered the greatest realistic poet in Chinese literature. 

答案: 正确

8、 Romance of the Three Kingdoms tells the story of the rebellion of the 108 heroes in the area of Liangshan at the end of the Northern Song dynasty.

答案: 错误

04 Arts 艺术 Quiz 4

1、 Which script is an ancient script that mainly appeared on the bronze vessels during the Warring States period and pre-Qin times?

A:the seal script
B:the official script
C:the regular script
D:the running script
答案: the seal script

2、 Who was traditionally  referred as the “sage of Chinese calligraphy”?

A:Wang Xizhi
B:Liu Gongquan
C:Yan Zhenqing
D:Ouyang Xun
答案: Wang Xizhi

3、 Which opera is considered the “Mother of Chinese opera”?

A:Kunqu opera
B:Qinqiang opera
C:Beijing opera
D:Sichuan opera
答案: Kunqu opera

4、 What color of facial makeup does Guan Yu have in traditional Beijing opera?





答案: red

5、 Different from the alphabetic writing of English, Chinese characters are hieroglyphs, evolved from pictures and signs.

答案: 正确

6、 The Preface to the Lanting Collection of Calligraphy is considered the masterpiece of cursive script in Chinese calligraphy history.

答案: 错误

7、 The special Hu brush, made of goat hair, is suitable for writing small characters.

答案: 错误

8、 The four artistic means and basic skills of Beijing opera are singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting.

答案: 正确

05 Education 教育 Quiz 5

1、 In the Spring and Autumn period, private schools prevailed. Among them, the private school run by ____ was the largest and most influential. 

答案: Confucius

2、 During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the civil examination featured _____, which involved the composing of an eight-part essay, in Chinese Baguwen , was designed to select Jinshi.

答案: writing

3、 The law of compulsory education came into effect on _, requiring each child to have nine years of formal education

A:1 July, 1975
B:1 July, 1986
C:1 July, 1978
D:1 July, 1966
答案: 1 July, 1986





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