英语文学导论 Introduction to English Literature 智慧树答案2024版100分完整版



第一章 单元测试


1、Decide True or False  Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical.

A Ture
B False
答案  False

2、What are the Primary Elements of a Plot?

A exposition
B rising action
C climax
D falling action and resolution
答案  exposition ,rising action,climax ,falling action and resolution

3、Which of the following can be regarded as a theme statement?

A The theme of “The Egg” might be “Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”.
B Disillusionment and psychological paralysis in “The Dead”.
C Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers’ Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”
D The protagonist Gabriel suffered a psychological breakdown in the end of the story.
答案  The theme of “The Egg” might be “Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”. ,Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers’ Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”

4、What are the possible themes of Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”?

A selfless love
B racism
C compassion and courage
D ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstances
答案  selfless love ,racism,compassion and courage,ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstances

5、Decide True or False  Style is concerned not with “what to say” but “how to say it”.

A Ture
B False
答案  Ture

6、What does the narrative voice in Hemingway’s “In Another Country” sound like?

A disillusioned and cynical
B isolated and detached
C cold and relentless
D objective and calm
答案  disillusioned and cynical,isolated and detached

7、In Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Foster classifies characters into …?

A major characters
B round characters
C minor characters
D flat characters
答案  minor characters,flat characters

8、What’s true about “indirect characterization”?

A the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character
B the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance, actions
C the author reveals character’s personality through its effect on other characters
D the author state explicitly the character’s traits
答案  the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance, actions,the author reveals character’s personality through its effect on other characters

9、What’s true about Gabriel in “The Dead”?

A He loves his country and is proud of its culture.
B His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.
C He finds no genuine joy or pleasure in life.
D He is obsessed with the past
答案  His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.,He is obsessed with the past

10、What does the image of “eggs” symbolize in “The Eggs”?

A love and happiness
B hope and aspiration
C the fragile American Dream
D ambition
答案  hope and aspiration,the fragile American Dream,ambition





