外经贸英语函电超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG





外经贸英语函电超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG第1张

According to the successful salesperson Summer, what are the principles we should follow in business writing? 

Most students agree that business writing is an important part to future career. 

The letterhead helps to form the impression of the writer’s firm, usually containing all or some of the following elements: the company’s name and address, postcode, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, even web address, and etc. 

It is usually to show the date in the order of day/month/year (American practice), or month/day/year (British practice). 

Even if the receiver is known to the writer personally, a formal greeting such as “Dear Sir(s)” or “Dear Madam(s)” is used.

There are “Your ref” and “Our ref”, which are codes assigned to the letter by the recipient and sender of the letter. 

The inside address contains full postal address and post code only.

The salutation is a greeting to the recipient. It varies according to the context. However, there is no need to match it with the complimentary close. 

The subject line states the gist of what the letter is about. The short form “Re.” may precede the phrase that carries the subject matter. 

The enclosure indicates materials or documents enclosed. The short form “Encs” is often used when there is one item enclosed. 

If the sender of the letter does not wish the recipient to know that other people are receiving copies of the letter, a “cc” is sent. 

The full block form layout is the most widely used method of display for business documents. 

When you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.

Business writing differs from other types of writing in that it is not really successful unless it arouses readers’ attention and receives their responses. 

To make their writing effective, business writers often apply 7C’s Principles (i.e. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, creativeness, consideration and courtesy) to their writing. 

Courtesy means treating people with respect and friendly human concern. Writers try to consider the reader’s desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to their request. 

Consideration focuses on “I” or “we” (the writer) instead of “you” (the reader). I-centered writing is the key to successful business. 

Correctness principle comprises correct grammar and punctuation only. 

Conciseness means avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively. 

Use short sentences with correct words (avoid ambiguous wording and use precise words instead of almost-precise words). 

“Please airmail us the latest price list and sample for our reference. ” The above example violates the concreteness principle. 

When you reply to an inquiry from a customer, try to answer all questions stated or implied. A prospective customer’s reaction to an incomplete reply is likely to be unfavorable. 

When writing business emails, you’d better not to use______ .

The subject needs to be concise. 

When it comes to your professional image, a sloppily composed email can do more damage than a weak handshake or a wrinkled suit. 

We can use “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” in the beginning of an email as salutation. 

Emails are quite private and confidential. 

In business email, it is typical to have your title closely after your name, which implies your authority. 

As with any piece of business writing, you don’t need proofreading when you finish writing emails. 

It is rare to see the big part of privacy notice in the end of emails. 

Emails allow us to keep projects moving when our co-workers are unavailable or on the other side of the world. 

It is very common to have your way of contact and company website address in the signature part of your email. 

We avail ourselves___ this opportunity ___approach you ___the establishment of trade relations with you. 

We are sending you the samples____requested. 

We are sure that both of our companies will____from the joint venture. 

In the following, which statements belong to the good tips for drafting a successful initial letter or email? 

Which websites in the following belong to B2B platform? 

The purpose of establishing business relations includes_______.

The chamber of commerce is an organization of business people that promotes international commercial interests. 

The initial letter does not refer to the letter of establishing business relations. 

When we draft an initial letter, we must introduce our own company first. 

The letter we sent 2 days ago is an enquiry____color TV sets. 

There is steady demand here____leather gloves of high quality. 

We would be pleased to send you some samples of our new cell phones on approval,____our own expense. 

Please____to let us have your offer as soon as possible. 

____your prices are right, you will find a ready market in our market. 

We can make an enquiry by_______.

An enquiry is a request from the buyer for information on the supply of certain goods with engagement. 

When we make an enquiry, we will surely receive a response from the customer. 

In a letter of specific enquiry, it’s not necessary for the buyer to indicate the name of the goods he wants to buy. 

Sometimes general enquiry can be an initial letter. 

We are sending you separately our latest catalogue with details of the various _____ we handle. 

Please note that a 5%____applies to orders for each item exceeding 1000. 

Compared with your last quotations for North America, we find the current_____rather high. 

The above prices are on a CIF San Francisco____.

To be frank with you, the price we quoted you only allow us a very small____of profits. 

An offer is the wish of the seller to sell particular goods under stated terms. 

Companies in international business often conclude a deal through a process of offer-counter and offer-acceptance. 

Once an offer is made, the buyer must accept it within the time limit given in the offer. 

A counteroffer can be made by either a seller or a buyer in a business transaction. 

A seller can make either an offer or a bid in different circumstances. 

Please ship the ten chests of tea_____our Order No. 2213 at an early date. 

We thank you for your letter of May 5,_____ your purchase from us of 200 metric tons of peanuts. 

We are pleased to_____the following transactions with you. 

We are pleased that we have booked_____ 2000 pieces of bicycles. 

We_____ our Purchase Contract No. 93124 in duplicate with our signature. 

An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods. 

The order can be made by email but not by phone. 

Initial order is the same to trial order. 

Duplicate order means buyers are satisfied with the goods, so they place an order again with the same terms and conditions of the last order. 

An order should include specification and description of goods, prices involving unit price and total value, quantity and packing. But it should not include terms of payment. 

It is laid down in our S/C that the covering of L/C______before the end of August.

We believe we can______ if you agree to pay by D/P at sight.

If the seller finds any discrepancies in the letter of credit, whom does he ask for an amendment? 

The description of merchandise on the letter of credit must be identical to that on the____.

After signing the sales contract, the importer should establish the L/C according to the contract without delay. 

The phrase “observing the contract once you have signed it” is to remind the buyers of reading the contract carefully when they are signing it. 

The importer dislikes messages requiring L/C extension and amendment. 

The date of shipment and the validity of L/C should be extended to the same date. 

The exporter insists that “5% more or less” be added to the clause of quantity because it is impossible to ship the exact amount for bulk goods. 

What does a symbol usually contains? 

Pens are packed 10 pieces ____ a box and 200 boxes ____ a wooden case

Packing list is prepared by the ____ and sent to the ____for accurate tallying of the delivered goods. 

Which of the following abbreviation is completely right? 

Packing list can be generally added in ____, but if it is required in L/C, that must be made according to L/C. 

What is usually filled in the head of packing list number? 

When making packing list, ________ are not generally included. 

What does a symbol of shipping mark can be? 

Packing can be divided into _____.

Packing can be divided into transport packing (usually known as outer packing) and sales packing (usually known as     packing). 

Conventionally, outer packing marks mainly include transport marks, directive marks and

Conventionally, outer packing marks mainly include transport marks, directive marks and       marks. 

A transport mark consists of the name of the consignee or        , destination and packing number. 

Warning marks are obvious symbols or words to warn people against the hidden        of inflammables, explosives and poisonous products, e.g. “CORROSIVES”, “EXPLOSIVES”, “POISON”, “INFLAMMABLE”, “ACID WITH CARE”, etc. 

Special attention has been paid to the packing, which we trust will prove       in every respect to your clients. 

I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not         enough for transport by sea. 

Each set is to be put in a cardboard box, strengthened with iron straps, and then put in a wooden case. It must be strong enough to        the roughest handling. 

We use cardboard boxes and then       them with iron straps. 

Do you have any specific        for packing? 

We trust you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid        in transit. 

What does a symbol of shipping mark cannot be?

What does a symbol usually contains? 

Packing can be divided into transport packing, inner packing and _____.


If the goods might be easily damaged through rough handling, what mark should be put in the packing?

Pens are packed 10 pieces ____ a box and 200 boxes ____ a wooden case. 

Tramps are ready at any time to_____any particular voyage. 

The B/L is a written contract or agreement between_____.

The consignment was shipped_____on the ss Pushan which left for Shanghai on December 12. 

A part of the goods were damaged_____ transit. 

A claused B/L may be also referred to as “a/an_____B/L.”

Shipment only refers to transportation by ships. 

A shipping advice gives information about the name of the boarding vessel and its departure time. 

The buyer is obliged to issue all the needed shipping documents. 

The buyer is to arrange shipping space under FOB terms. 

A liner is a vessel with regular sailing or arrivals on a stated schedule between specified ports. 

_____ is the party who insures the other against possible losses or damage, and undertakes to make payment in cases of loss. 

Insured amount is the amount to be insured, normally ____ of the invoice value. 

The insurance premium is normally about _____ of the insured amount depending on the type of insurance. 

_____ covers losses caused by leakage. 

The insurance is covered for 120% of the invoice value _____ All Risks. 

The insurance policy is a formal contract-document issued by an insurance company to an ____.

Insurance is to be _____ by the seller on behalf of the buyer for 110% of invoice value against WPA; premium is to be for the buyer’s account. 

Regarding insurance, the coverage is _____ 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only.

Insurance policy is an evidence of _____ contract issued by the underwriter to the assured. 

If one party violates or fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to claim indemnity for any loss or damage. The underline part of the sentence means_____.

A “survey report” is issued by____.

Which of the following is a direct reason for a claim? 

We regret to have to lodge a complaint against you about our loss arising from your late delivery of the coffee supplies we purchased under our Order No.OP7836. The word underlined can be substituted for by the following: 

Claims are only made by the buyer against the seller. 

Any party of a contract is entitled to claim indemnity if they suffer a loss. 

To make a complaint is always more effective than lodge a claim. 

Sometimes the shipping company should shoulder the responsibility for loss. 

One can always claim for compensation if he/she had insured the goods before transportation. 

We confirm having accepted your order No. C109 for 1,400 ”Hero” brand men’s shirts.  You are kindly requested to open an irrevocable sight Letter of Credit in our favor __________(时间不晚于2019年5月5日). 

We ________ if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial status and reliability of the above company. 

Attached to this letter is our latest price list. We _______ to draw your attention to the fact that the price quoted by us is subject to your acceptance ________ , and the reason being that many other buyers are also interested in our suppliers. 

All documents, letters and emails interchanged between two parties ________ the signing of the Contract shall become ________ automatically from the date on which the Contract comes into force. 

This contract is made by and between A Co. (______ called “the seller”) and B Co. (______ called “the buyer”), _______ the seller is willing to sell the buyer the commodities listed hereunder on the terms and conditions stipulated below. Now these presents witness that it is ________ agreed between the parties hereto as follows. 

Shipment must be made from January 6 to January 20, ___________.

The new price list will become effective ______ October 1. 

This contract is made by and between A Co. (hereinafter called “the seller”) and B Co. (hereinafter called “the buyer”), _______ the seller is willing to sell the buyer the commodities listed _______ on the terms and conditions stipulated below. Now these presents witness that it is ________ agreed between the parties hereto as follows. 

The Seller will indemnify the Buyer for any _____ arising as a result of the Seller’s failure to perform any of its obligation arising out of the sale of the goods to the Buyer.

Contractor shall perform the ________ of all equipment, machinery or materials including the spare parts required for the construction of the plant.

We _______ if you could send us instructions, brochures, or leaflets of your products. 

There is a big demand for Chinese microwave ovens. We ________ your quoting us competitive prices for models available now.

Fifty percent (50%) of the total contract value as advance US $500,000 (_________) , shall be paid by Party A to Party B within three months, from the date of the signing of this contract, i.e. not later than August 31, 2016. 

The time for performing the obligations ________ specifically prevented from performance by such event of force majeure shall be extended by a period equal to the period of delay caused by such event of force majeure. 

Shipment should be made by the Seller _______ September 30, 2018. 

When you use the tactic of ______ you may mean that you can get the same good products but a lower price from other supplier. 

If you give another party a lowest price and stick to it, what tactic do you use? 

If you want to use the tactic of caucus, what will you do during the negotiation? 

If you want to persuade another party by fact, what is the best tactic? 

If you use the tactic of old mother hubbard, it means that you pretend to be ______.

What color is considered safe color in business world? 

What does conservative suit mean to a lady who attends a trade fair? 

If you were a male booth representative, what accessory is needed to bring to a trade exhibition? 

What is the synonym for “booth”? 

Which of the following is considered unacceptable behavior in a trade show? 

To attend a formal party, how will you dress yourself? 

On formal occasions, how many colors of all your clothes should be? 

If the suit is buttoned, where should be the stickpin? 

Which of the following statements is appropriate about wearing accessories? 

You’re in a restaurant and a thin soup is served in a cup with no handles. To eat it you should_______

You’re at a dinner and champagne is served with the dessert. You simply can’t drink champagne yet you know the host will be offering a toast. You may_______

You’re at a table in a restaurant for a business dinner. Midway through the meal, you’re called to the telephone. What do you do with your napkin? 

You’re hosting a dinner party at a restaurant. Included are two other couples, and your most valuable client and his wife. You instruct the waiter to_______

You’re scheduled to meet a business associate for working lunch and you arrive a few minutes early to find a suitable table. 30 minutes later your associate still hasn’t arrived. You may_______

You are at a business dinner and someone proposes a toast to you. What should you do?

When is it appropriate to take a mobile phone call during a business dinner? 

During a business dinner, when can you begin talking business? 

A trade fair is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can ________.

If you want to train your booth personnel on trade show etiquette, you may consider about________.

How can we greet visitors to our booth? 

According to your understanding, which of the following is NOT TRUE about one’s first impression? 

On formal occasions, what kind of shoes a man should not wear? 

How are you going to prepare for the upcoming job interview apart from your verbal introduction and written documentation such as your resume and application letter? 

You’re invited to dinner in a private home. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap? 

What items are welcomed in the interview office? 







