Principles of Microeconomics(上海外国语大学)1462593458 中国大学MOOC答案100分最新完整版



1 Introduction to Microeconomics 测验

1、 Suppose you have purchased a non-refundable plane ticket and, at the last moment, you cannot take the trip. You can, however, sell the ticket. If you paid ¥2,000 for the ticket, and the cost of sending the ticket to someone through overnight mail is ¥30, what is the minimum you should accept for the ticket?

A:$2,000 because that is what the ticket cost.
B:$2,030 because that is the cost of the ticket and of getting it to the buyer.
C:More than $2,030, so that you can make a profit.
D: $30 because the $2,000 cost is a sunk cost.
答案: $30 because the $2,000 cost is a sunk cost.

2、 Which of the following is a correct statement about production possibilities frontiers?

A:An economy can produce only on the production possibilities frontier.
B: An economy can produce at any point inside or outside a production possibilities frontier.
C:An economy can produce at any point on or inside the production possibilities frontier, but not outside the frontier.
D:An economy can produce at any point inside the production possibilities frontier, but not on or outside the frontier.
答案: An economy can produce at any point on or inside the production possibilities frontier, but not outside the frontier.

3、 In the circular-flow diagram,

A:firms own the factors of production.
B:the factors of production are labor, land, and capital.
C:the factors of production are also called “output.”
D:firms produce output using goods and services.
答案: the factors of production are labor, land, and capital.

2 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 测验

1、 Andrew produces basketballs and footballs. Jack also produces basketballs and footballs, but Andrew is better at producing both goods. In this case, trade could

A: benefit both Jack and Andrew.
B:benefit Jack, but not Andrew.
C: benefit Andrew, but not Jack.
D: benefit neither Jack nor Andrew.
答案: benefit both Jack and Andrew.

2、 Suppose Frank produces both tomatoes and cucumbers in his garden. If he must give up 15 kilograms of cucumbers to get 5 kilograms of tomatoes, then his opportunity cost of 1 kilogram of tomatoes is

A:1/3 kilogram of cucumbers.
B:3 kilograms of cucumbers.
C:10 kilograms of cucumbers.
D:5 kilograms of cucumbers.
答案: 3 kilograms of cucumbers.

3、 Suppose Jenny can make three tables per hour or she can make six chairs per hour. Ben can make two tables per hour or he can make five chairs per hour.

A: Jenny has an absolute advantage over Ben in making tables.
B: Jenny has a comparative advantage over Ben in making tables.
C: Ben has a comparative advantage over Jenny in making chairs.
D: All of the above are correct.
答案: All of the above are correct.

3 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 测验

1、 A higher price for e-books would result in a(n)

A: increase in the demand for iPad tablets.
B: decrease in the demand for iPad tablets.
C: increase in the demand for e-books.
D: decrease in the demand for e-books
答案: decrease in the demand for iPad tablets.

2、 Which of the following would cause a movement along the supply curve for pizza?

A: a decrease in the price of pizza
B: an improvement in technology for commercial mixers
C: an increase in the price of flour
D: All of the above are correct.
答案: a decrease in the price of pizza

3、 The tickets of Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center were always sold out, and people who wait in line for hours may be turned away. This indicates

A: the ticket price is above the equilibrium price.
B: the ticket price is at the equilibrium price.
C: the ticket price is below the equilibrium price.
D: nothing about the equilibrium price.
答案: the ticket price is below the equilibrium price.

4、 What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of bananas if the wages of banana pickers fell and the price of apples fell?

A: would fall, and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.
B: Price would rise, and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.
C: Quantity would fall, and the effect on price would be ambiguous.
D: Quantity would rise, and the effect on price would be ambiguous.
答案: would fall, and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.

4 Elasticity and Its Application 测验

1、 The value of the price elasticity of demand for a good will be relatively large when

A:the time period in question is relatively short.
B:the good is a necessity rather than a luxury.
C:there are many good substitutes available for the good.
D:All of the above are correct.
答案: there are many good substitutes available for the good.

2、 If the price elasticity of supply is 0.4, and a price increase led to an 8% increase in quantity supplied, then the price increase is about

答案: 20%.

3、 Because the demand for rice tends to be inelastic, the development of a new, more productive hybrid rice would tend to

A:increase the total revenue of rice farmers.
B:decrease the total revenue of rice farmers.
C:decrease the demand for rice.
D:decrease the supply of rice.
答案: decrease the total revenue of rice farmers.

5 Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 测验

1、 A legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold is called a

A:price ceiling.
B:price floor.
答案: price ceiling.

2、 If a price floor is not binding, then

A:the equilibrium price is below the price floor.
B:there will be a surplus in the market.
C:the equilibrium price is above the price floor.
D:there will be a shortage in the market.
答案: the equilibrium price is above the price floor.

3、 When a tax is placed on the sellers of a product,

A:buyers pay more, and sellers receive more than they did before the tax.
B:buyers pay more, and sellers receive less than they did before the tax.
C:buyers pay less, and sellers receive more than they did before the tax.
D:buyers pay less, and sellers receive less than they did before the tax.
答案: buyers pay more, and sellers receive less than they did before the tax.

6 Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets 测验

1、 Table 1 shows the only four consumers in the market for hats have the following willingness to pay for a hat:Table 1BuyerWillingness To PayAmy$2Bob$3Carolyn$7Danny$10Refer to Table 1. If the market price for the good is $8, who will purchase the hat?

A:Danny only
B:Carolyn and Danny only
C:Amy, Bob, and Carolyn only
D:All four buyers would purchase the hat.
答案: Danny only

2、 Table 1 shows the only four consumers in the market for hats have the following willingness to pay for a hat:Table 1BuyerWillingness To PayAmy$2Bob$3Carolyn$7Danny$10Refer to Table 1. If the price of the product is $5, then the total consumer surplus is

答案: $7.

3、 Table 2 represents the costs of five possible sellers.Table 2SellerCostAllen$180Bobby$135Denise$120Emily$100Clare$70Refer to Table 2. Suppose each of the five sellers can supply at most one unit of the good. The market quantity supplied is exactly 4 if the price is

答案: $140.

7 Applications: The Costs of Taxation 测验

1、 When a tax is placed on a product, the price paid by buyers ( ), and the price received by sellers ( ).

A:rises; rises
B:rises; falls
C:falls; rises
D:falls; falls
答案: rises; falls

2、 A tax levied on the sellers of a good shifts the

A:supply curve upward.







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