中国大学mooc慕课 24式太极拳(北京体育大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


第三章 起势、野马分鬃、白鹤亮翅

序号 题目 答案
1 ‍起势动作,当左脚开步时,两脚之间的宽度应与 关节同宽。​‍For Commencing Form, when move your left foot, the width of your feet is as same as( ).​‍​‍​ 肩 shoulder
2 ‎野马分鬃,在24式套路练习过程中应做 个完整动作。‏‎For the movement of Part the Wild Horse’s Mane, you need to repeat( ) times in a 24 Form Tai Chi practice.‏‎‏ 3
3 ‎起势动作,节节贯穿中力的传输路径是什么( )‏‎What is the transmission path of the force in Commencing Form ( )‏‎‏‎‏‎‏ 从脚到手from foot to hand
4 ‍白鹤亮翅,跟步抱球时重心应在什么位置( )‌‍In the movement of White Crane Spreads its Wings, where should the center of gravity be when holding the ball with following up step ( )‌ 前腿front leg
5 ‎野马分鬃,学生在练习过程中进行分靠时,此动作应以腰带手,腰动手动( )‎‎In the action of Part the Wild Horse’s Mane, you should use the power of your waist to move your arms.‎‎‎‎‎ 正确
6 ‌白鹤亮翅,当对方右拳向我面部击打过来,左手抓住对方手腕,右手于对方肘关节处,形成一个错掌动作( )‍‌For the movement of White Crane Spreads its Wings, when the enemy hit you with his right fist, catch his wrist with your left hand, and catch his elbow with your right hand.‍‌‍‌‍ 正确

第四章 搂膝拗步、手挥琵琶、倒卷肱

序号 题目 答案
1 ‌搂膝拗步,双手上下相合时,应合至自己斜后方 度‌‌In the action of Brush Knee and Twist Step, your hands need cross in your rear side to ( )degrees.‌‌‌ 45
2 ‌手挥琵琶,定势动作前脚的 落地。‎‌In the action of Play Pipa, which part of your front foot is touching the ground in the end?‎‌‎‌‎ 脚跟 heel
3 ‏手挥琵琶,双手相合应合于自己身体的哪个方位​‏For the movement of Play Pipa, where to put your hands when they are getting close()​‏​‏​‏​ 中线Center line
4 ‍倒卷肱,定势动作时,前手指尖与自己 同高,后手置于自己 前‎‍Repulse Monkey, when doing the fixed form, the front fingertip is the same height as your , and the back hand is in front of your‎‍‎‍‎ 鼻尖;腹侧nose tip; abdomen side
5 ‍搂膝拗步,双手向后45度方向相合后,抬肘将手收于耳侧( )​‍In the action of Brush Knee and Twist Step, the angle is 45 degrees when you put your hands together back, then put your hand near your ear when lifting your elbow.​‍​‍​ 错误
6 ​手挥琵琶,双手相合时手腕应放松、塌腕,无拉拽意识( )‍​In the action of Play Pipa, relax and sink your wrist when your hands getting close.‍ 错误







中国大学mooc慕课 24式太极拳(北京体育大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 24式太极拳(北京体育大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





中国大学mooc慕课 24式太极拳(北京体育大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

