中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语Ⅱ (2021-2022-1)(常州信息职业技术学院) 答案满分完整版章节测试


第1-3周 Unit 1 Accommodation Unit 1 单元测试1

1、 Your order will be fulfilled within 7 days of the date of your order, ___ there are exceptional circumstances.

答案: unless

2、 I couldn’t answer your call this morning as I _ a lecture.

答案: was giving

3、 Our company _ a leader in the Promotional Products Industry for more than 90 years.

答案: has been

4、 It was not until 1911 ______ the first of the vitamins was identified.

答案: that

5、 Only in an emergency situation __ your personal information such as your passport number and date of birth.

答案: can we use

6、 The issue of healthy eating _ today with several books published about it.

答案: has been much discussed

7、 There were neither questions _____  comments from the audience at the end of the lecture. 

答案: nor

8、 Please don’t leave your seat ____ the plane comes to a full stop.

答案: until

9、 _______by a phone call, I was five minutes late for the meeting.

答案: Having been delayed

10、 As a writer, I also do a lot of public speaking as I really enjoy __ my experences with my readers.

答案: sharing

11、 A thank – you note can assist an employer in (make) __ a final decision and lead to a job offer.
答案: making

12、 In a job interview, your body language and the first impression are much (important) ___ than your self-introduction.
答案: more important

13、 Since no further questions (raise)__ on the issue, the chairman announced that the meeting was closed.
答案: were raised

14、 Our multi- day tours allow you (experience) _____ the various regions of Ireland easily and in comfort.
答案: to experience

15、 Our research shows that the purchasing decisions of consumers are (constant) __ influenced by trademarks.
答案: constantly

16、 A (detail) _______ list of all patients was kept by the nursing staff in the hospital.
答案: detailed

17、 Our clients (surprise) ___ by the level of support we can offer in such an efficient way.
答案: are surprised

18、 Their hard work was beginning to pay off, and they believed that the future would be (amazing) _bright.
答案: amazingly

19、 The (announce) _____ of the decision has sent the company’s shares going up as much as 10 percent.
答案: announcement

20、 Buying insurance through your business can be (cheap) __ than buying an individual policy for yourself.
答案: cheaper

第1-3周 Unit 1 Accommodation Unit 1 单元测试2

1、 She _____ with Mrs. Higgins when she first came to Cambridge.

答案: lodged

2、 These bells are supposed to be used only in _____.

答案: emergencies

3、 We had the _____ of being unable to use the kitchen for several weeks.

答案: inconvenience

4、 I’ve been trying to _____ you on the phone all day.

答案: reach

5、 The local residents were angry at the _____ of parking spaces.

答案: lack

6、 His audience, I _ with regret, were beginning to look bored.

答案: noted

7、 Our _____ was delayed because of bad weather.

答案: departure

8、 Babysitter is available _____ request.

答案: upon

9、 There was a lot of positive _____ on your article about parenting.

答案: feedback

10、 Please _ your key in your room when checking out.

答案: leave

11、 It was __ that they had set out early because the traffic was terrible. (fortune)
答案: fortunate

12、 New students may be _ in halls of residence. (accommodation)
答案: accommodated

13、 I must _ to Isobel for my lateness. (apology)
答案: apologize

14、 There will be an extra charge for any _ passengers. (addition)
答案: additional

15、 In our efforts to _ you, we ask that you note the following. (service)
答案: serve

16、 I’m open to any reasonable _. (suggest)
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)suggestion;

17、 In the 20th century, airplanes replaced trains for long _ travel. (distant)
答案: distance

18、 If there is anything you’d like _, please do not hesitate to let us know. (mention)
答案: to mention

19、 Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before _. (depart)
答案: departure

20、  It will be very _ for me to have no car. (convenient)
答案: inconvenient


第4-6周 Unit 2 Food Unit 2 单元测试1

1、 They participate in discussion forums, ____- and other open-ended forums.

答案: blogs

2、 We would like to try Shanghai ____.

答案: cuisine

3、 We can only _____ at her reasons for leaving.

答案: guess

4、 If I’m not there when you call, leave a _____.

答案: message

5、 Can you_ a good hotel?

答案: recommend

6、 The _ dish of that restaurant is widely known to the public.

答案: signature

7、 Lunch and ____ can be purchased in the town along the route.

答案: snacks

8、 Set a time period or ______ date for each goal.

答案: target

9、 She is a _, and she hasn’t touched meat for donkeys’ years.

答案: vegetarian

10、 I was _ where they will take us to. 

答案: wondering

11、 He was always ______ her to ice cream. (treat)
答案: treating

12、 Some leaves were _ about on the still lake. (float)
答案: floating

13、 Well, ___ it requires quite a bit of work and research.(actual)
答案: actually

14、 The hotel is centrally ______ for all major attractions.(locate)
答案: located

15、 The sun basically provides Earth with_____ source of energy everyday. (limit)
答案: unlimited

16、 ” I was _____ and really happy. I did not expect to win the first gold,” she said.(surprise)
答案: surprised

17、 The astronauts on board China’s first space station, the Tiangong, have ______ playing ping pong in a weightless environment.(enjoy)
答案: enjoyed

18、 The restaurant added Sichuan cuisine chefs and Thai cuisine chefs to their kitchen, which provides a variety of _____ to customers.(flavor)
答案: flavors

19、 _, the 10m platform competition was held two weeks after our arrival and I had enough time to get used to the venue. (fortunate)
答案: Fortunately

20、 According to the company, going forward Ping An Good Doctor will shift its focus onto national and _ hospital giants.(region)
答案: regional

第4-6周 Unit 2 Food Unit 2 单元测试2

1、 The traditional stores have found it difficult to _____with online shops recently.

答案: compete

2、 Last year some additional measures ____to protect customers’ personal information by our company.

答案: were taken

3、 Sales have shown some improvement ______we launched the new product last year.

答案: since

4、  _____, the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.

答案: As usual

5、 When I changed my job, I had to _____to another apartment.

答案: move

6、 We are looking for a secretary_ speaks Chinese fluently.

答案: who

7、 He said he would continue to support us __we didn’t break the rules.

答案: as long as

8、 Only by adopting more creative approaches ______to overcome present-day challenges.

答案: can we hope

9、 This website may contain links to other websites ____ privacy practices may be different from ours.

答案: whose

10、 After they _____the first super computers in the 1940s, scientists and engineers began to develop ways to create networks.

答案: created

11、 Potatoes can provide about one-third of our daily (require) __ of Vitamin C.
答案: requirement

12、 After she had the report (type) __, she put it on the director’s desk.
答案: typed

13、 If you had asked him again, he might (change) __ his mind.
答案: have changed

14、 (Realize) __ that he had left an important document in the office, Harry ran back for it.
答案: Realizing

15、 I had trouble (spell) ___ the difficult words when I first started learning French.
答案: spelling

16、 Make sure that the new equipment (install) ___ in a safe manner.
答案: is installed

17、 It is said that Abersoch is one of the (good) __ beaches in the UK.
答案: best

18、 It is not (surprise) _ that this new style of handbag is mainly purchased by young women.
答案: surprising

19、 We are looking forward to (meet) ___ you soon.
答案: meeting

20、 Sales in the first half of the year were (slow) _ than expected, but they are expecting stronger sales in the second half.
答案: slower


第7-8周 Unit 3 Travel Unit 3 单元测试1

1、 One truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy_____ of coal.

答案: load

2、 She always looks very _____ in her smart suits.

答案: professional

3、 If you would move_____ to the left, I can get everyone in the picture.

答案: sideways

4、 It has been completely covered in black, _____ smoke.

答案: smelly

5、 I smiled at her, but she just _____ me.

答案: ignored

6、 Please _ the theatre by the side doors.

答案: exit

7、 The home was well equipped and had a _____hall, sitting room, television lounge, and dining room.

答案: spacious

8、 I was _____by the first company I applied to.

答案: hired

9、 She’s just been promoted to _____sales rep.

答案: senior

10、 He didn’t look like the sort of man you should entrust your _ to.

答案: luggage

11、 I don’t think he is __ for teaching English in a primary school. (qualification)
答案: qualified

12、 I called you three times this afternoon, but you were _. (available)
答案: unavailable

13、 When he met me this morning, he extended his hand as a _. (greet)
答案: greeting

14、 Jack told me that they announced their _ at the party on Saturday. (engage)
答案: engagement

15、 I’m____to see you awake because ten minutes ago you were sound asleep. (surprise)
答案: surprised

16、 He seems to be short of basic _ skills. (conversation)
答案: conversational

17、 Contrary to all our _, he’s found a well-paid job and a nice girlfriend. (expect)
答案: expectations

18、 Last week, Frank bought a new house which was bright and _. (space)
答案: spacious

19、 Public _about the disease is a serious problem. (ignore)
答案: ignorance

20、 He has been a _ football player for two years. (profession)
答案: professional

第7-8周 Unit 3 Travel Unit 3 单元测试2

1、 The telephone used to __ you to the absent.

答案: connect

2、 Why is it that the more connected we get, the more ______ I feel?

答案: disconnected

3、 It was not until last year _____ he came to live in this city.

答案: that

4、 When you have reached the party, if your call has been expected, remind them __ the prior conversation and appointment.

答案: of

5、 The park was filled______ people talking on their cell phones.

答案: with 

6、 A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped ___ to one another.

答案: talking

7、 It is necessary that the doctor _____at once.

答案: be sent for

8、 He made the suggestion that they ____ their conversation in English.

答案: carry on

9、 If I had previewed my lessons carefully yesterday, I _____how to answer the paper now.

答案: would know

10、 If we ____ adequate preparations, we might have succeeded.

答案: had made

11、 I think it’s high time that you _______ (make up) your mind.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)made up;
should make up

12、 If we hadn’t got everything ready by now, we would______ (have) a terrible time tomorrow.
答案: have

13、 He wouldn’t have been saved even if he ___ (send) to hospital at once.
答案: had been sent

14、 We wish that people everywhere _____ (show) more concern for the environment around them.
答案: showed

15、 He would rather you ____ (not see) him any more in the future.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)did not see;
didn’t see

16、 The picnic was ______ (interrupt) by a hard shower yesterday.
答案: interrupted

17、 ______ (evident), he likes music so much that he’s taking piano lessons.
答案: Evidently

18、 With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever ___ (reach) anyone.
答案: reaching

19、 Proper telephone etiquette is______ (important) than ever in today’s business environment.
答案: more important

20、 The __(hard) he works, the more achievement he makes.
答案: harder


第9-10周 Unit 4 Invitation Unit 4 单元测验2

1、  Our company’s visitors decided to stay in our city for ____ two days as they wanted to have a look around.

答案: C) another

2、 She didn’t know __ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.

答案: how

3、 The new drug will not be put on the market ____ it has proved safe on humans.

答案: until

4、  We must find a way to cut prices __ reducing our profits too much.

答案: without

5、 Immigrants have to adapt themselves culturally and physically to the new surroundings ____ they have moved.

答案: into which

6、 It is important that we __ the task ahead of time.

答案: finsh

7、 It was because of his good performance at the interview ____ he got the job with the big company.

答案: that

8、 Not until she arrived at the meeting room __ she had forgotten to bring the document.

答案: did she realize

9、 It is reasonable for people to pursue a career in fields related ____ their favorite hobbies.

答案: to

10、 The proposal ____ at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.

答案: being discussed

11、 The shop assistant priced the goods before (put) __ them on the shelf.
答案: putting

12、  The (grow) __ of online shopping is producing a fundamental change in consumer behavior.
答案: growth

13、 If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have a good reason to make your (complain) __.
答案: complaint

14、 Nowadays, electronic (pay) __ is a more convenient way to pay for purchases than cash and checks.
答案: payment

15、 The proposal about the annual sales (discuss) __ at the next board meeting.
答案: will be discussed

16、 It is the (responsible) __ of the Human Resources Department to employ new staff members.
答案: responsibility

17、 Employees are not allowed (make) __ personal phone calls in the office.
答案: to make

18、 It’s important to realize how (quick) __ this disease can spread over the globe.
答案: quickly

19、 Of all the marketing plans proposed at the meeting, this one is believed to be the(practical) __.
答案: most practical

20、 The bank refused (accept) __ my application for the loan because they weren’t convinced by my business plan.
答案: to accept

第9-10周 Unit 4 Invitation Unit 4 单元测试 1

1、 The police are trying to discover the_____ of the killer.

答案: identity

2、 It is a complete _____ to me why they chose him.

答案: mystery

3、 We think, much to our _____, that we will not be able to visit you next year.

答案: regret

4、 The police have completed their _____ into the accident.

答案: investigations

5、 We want a political solution that is _____ to all parties.

答案: acceptable







中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语Ⅱ (2021-2022-1)(常州信息职业技术学院)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语Ⅱ (2021-2022-1)(常州信息职业技术学院)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





中国大学mooc慕课 大学英语Ⅱ (2021-2022-1)(常州信息职业技术学院)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

