中国大学mooc慕课 学术交流英语(东南大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit One What You Need to Know Before Making a Presentation Test 1

1、 Speaking style refers to the type of _____ a speaker uses, and the effect it creates.

答案: language and phrasing

2、 Presentation is _____ than conversation. In a conversation you talk and listen in an easy exchange.

答案: less fluid and interactive

3、 In presentation, presenters may have a feeling of disassociation because of _____.

答案: the lack of physical closeness between presenter and audience

4、 Which of the following is appropriate for presentation

答案: Planned and rehearsed gestures

5、 In persuading people to take action for or against something, presenters use _____ to appeal to audience’s emotions.

答案: pathos

6、 Tips on how to make a presentation are listed below.Which FOUR of them are givenPARTICULARLYfor making a persuasive presentation

答案: Research on the views of the opposing side.;
Consider what views the audience has on the topic.;
Choose the right approach to convince the audience when drafting the outline.;
Try to establish a link with the audience in the opening part.

7、 Which of the following mistakes belong to inappropriate DELIVERY of a presentation

答案: Being casually dressed.;
Standing with crossed arms.;
Using monotonous voice.;
Reading solely from slides.;
Fidgeting and swaying throughout the presentation.

8、 An informative presentation aims to convince the audience to accept a point of view.

答案: 错误

9、 Both presentation and academic writing should be precise, accurate, objective, and explicit.

答案: 正确

10、 To get his main point across, an academic writer needs to use the device of repetition.

答案: 错误

11、 Conversation is more complex than presentation but less complicated than academic writing.

答案: 错误

12、 A presentation is either informative or persuasive.

答案: 错误

13、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailedstructuredrelationshipdelivery formal interactiveinformal teachertransmitter attractive within distance out-directed closeness informative persuasivePresentation is more highly _____. It demands detailed planning and preparation.
答案: structured

14、 Complete the statements with words from theWord Bankbelow. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bankdetailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasiveThe presenter usually wears formal clothes, assumes a more erect posture and avoids distracting manners and verbal habits. Therefore, a presentation requires a different method of _____ from conversation.
答案: delivery

15、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasiveDuring a presentation there is usually a disconcerting _____ between the speaker and the audience.
答案: distance

16、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasivePresentation requires more _____ language. There is no place for slang, jargon or bad grammar.
答案: formal

17、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasiveStanding on an elevated stage, using a microphone to communicate the message, the presenter is more like a leader than an information _____.
答案: transmitter

18、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasiveThe presenter has to focus _____ instead of paying much attention to the outside, because he/she must shift his/her customary social behavior to the state of inner-attention.
答案: within

19、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasiveIf you want to make your audience know about the causes for global warming, you’re expected to deliver a(n) _____ presentation.
答案: informative

20、 Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.Word Bank detailed structured relationship delivery formal interactive informal teacher transmitter attractive within distanceout-directed closeness informative persuasiveYou not only let your audience understand the causes for the global warming, more importantly, you want to advocate a low-carbon lifestyle in your _____ presentation.
答案: persuasive

Unit Two Planning Test 2

1、 The presentation aiming to persuade usually involves the following activities except__.

答案: instructing the audience to operate something

2、 Demographic analysis is primarily made to__.

答案: adapt the audience’s traits to the presentation and provide maximum value for them

3、 Which of the following examples shows that timing influences the audience’s state of mind in presentation

答案: The presentation was made on Monday afternoon when most audience members felt dizzy and light-headed and had no interest in the presentation.

4、 Which of the following statements is true about topic choosing

答案: Personal experiences and expertise are good sources of inspiration in topic choosing.

5、 Establishing objective is both important and necessary because__.

答案: it lays foundation for the content and organization of the presentation;
it helps steer the audience towards destination the presenter wants them to reach;
it is to a presentation what a map is to a long journey

6、 It is difficult for the audience to take in the message exactly the same as what the speaker intends to deliver because__.

答案: people’s auditory perception is always selective;
listeners are often egocentric

7、 Audience analysis is a good starting point of a presentation and it is often conducted from the following dimensions:__.

答案: psychological analysis;
demographic analysis;
situational analysis

8、 The seating style of traditional rows__.

答案: enables the speaker to supervise the presentation easily;
is suitable for the audience of a big size

9、 The presentation with a single objective is much better than the one with multiple objectives because the latter runs the risk of leaving the audience confused and exhausted.

答案: 错误

10、 Anecdotes, pictures and funny stories should be avoided ina presentation as they might distract the audience from the content of presentation.

答案: 错误

11、 Audiences with different demographic features will view the world differently and filter information accordingly.

答案: 正确

12、 If you are invited to make a presentation, you’d better look over the venue a few days
in advance or arrive early on the day of your speech.

答案: 正确

13、 When the educational official reports to the audience the changes in enrollment procedure of some prestigious universities, he is trying to__ them of the information they didn’t have before.
答案: inform

14、 Thorough and careful audience analysis gives consideration to both objective needs and__needs such as the audience’s attitudes, expectations and values.
答案: subjective

15、 Worthwhile topics usually address issues that have significant__for the audiences as nobody wants to waste time and energy on meaningless things.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)implication;

16、 One of the detriments of horseshoe model is that this format may__shy audience and make them nervous or uncomfortable.
答案: overwhelm

Unit Three Preparing (Content) Test 3

1、 How is Rule of Three applied in a presentation

答案: Typically there are three parts in a presentaiton.

2、 Which of the following statement is least likely to be found in an introduction

答案: OK, let me recap the main points.

3、 A presenter is supposed to do the following in an introduction except____.

答案: Thanking audience for their time

4、 You’re going to make a presentation about people’s increasing reliance on mobile phone. Which of the following is NOT appropriate to be used to grab audience’s attention in the opening of a presentation

答案: You open with a quotation: “If television is a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who won’t shut up”.

5、 Which of the following explains the “sandwich effect” in a presentation

答案: A presentation begins and ends with the same idea which is well developed in the body.

6、 What is signposting in a presentation

答案: Words or phrases that signal different parts of the presentation.

7、 Which phrase signals the end of a presentation

答案: Let’s wrap this message up.

8、 Which phrase indicates that a speaker wants to move away from the central topic for a moment and talk about something not included in the presentation

答案: If I may digress, I would like to ask you what you think about our new office building.

9、 An introduction is a very important part of your presentation because it is when_____.

答案: you spark the audience’s interest in your topic ;
the audience has the first impression of you;
the audience knows what your core message is

10、 Which of the following could be used as a conclusion

答案: A call to action.;
A quotation;
A lesson learned

11、 Which of the following organizational patterns are more appropriate for a persuasive speech

答案: Problem-solution pattern.;
Topical pattern.

12、 A long tear-jerking story at the beginning of a presentation is a good attention getting device.

答案: 错误

13、 Any attention getter should be closely related to the topic or the core message.

答案: 正确

14、 An introduction gives audience an overview of what is going to be talked about.

答案: 正确

15、 In a formal presentation, presenter may take questions throughout the presentations.

答案: 错误

16、 An____ is one of the effective attention getters, for a story related to the topic paints a clear picture in audience’s mind and helps them interpret the speaker’s words.
答案: anecdote

17、 Opening a presentation with a question can engage audience immediately. If a presenter opens with a response question, he/she expects audience to answer it. If he/she simply wants to get audience’s brains working, a___ question is used.
答案: rhetorical

18、 Many presenters don’t see the power of a closing. Without summarizing the major points, they make an____ ending by saying “That’s all. Thank you for your time. Any questions”
答案: abrupt

19、 A summary provides a concise reminder of what the speaker wanted the audience to remember from his presentation. A____ is a message that logically comes out of the ideas developed in the speech.
答案: conclusion

20、 If you want to give more details to something that has been said, you say: “I’d like to ____ on the background information of this project.”
答案: elaborate

Unit Four Preparing (Visual Aids) Test 4

1、 Generally speaking, a pie graph should have no more than ____ segments.

答案: eight

2、 Graph should have a ____ to explain what it is about.

答案: title

3、 The numbers on the pie graph should sum to ____.

答案: 100

4、 When you are drawing a graph by your own, try to match the ____ with what they look.

答案: data

5、 Visual aids enhance a presentation and make it memorable if they are used properly to strengthen understanding.

答案: 正确

6、 Paragraphs can convey data more clearly and effectively than bullet points for texts.

答案: 错误

7、 Column headings are dependent variables. They show what you want to compare.

答案: 正确

8、 Resorting to bar charts is an efficient way to show lots of numbers or percentages that would be very confusing in sentence form.

答案: 错误

9、 It is suggested to use no more than five fonts in your PPT design.

答案: 错误

10、 Dark text on a dark background works best.

答案: 错误

11、 Since animations and transitions are two of the most powerful features that PowerPoint offers, they need to be used as many as possible in a presentation.

答案: 错误

12、 Try to ensure that you use different types of transition for similar functions.

答案: 错误

13、 The pictures or video clips that are used as visual aids can be sometimes irrelevant to the presentation topic.

答案: 错误

14、 Every graph needs title,_, scale and key.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)label;

15、 __ graphs show data points over time.
答案: Line

16、 __ graphs compare values across categories or treatments.
答案: Bar

17、 __ charts are often used to show the contribution of each item to the whole.
答案: Pie

18、 It is a rule to keep those bullet points to be the same_form.
答案: grammatical

19、 Remember to give each slide a_, which is the theme of your main points.
答案: title

20、 Consider using_to replace texts where you think they would be easier to be understood.
答案: graphs

Unit Five Presenting Test 5

1、 Which of the following statement is NOT true about “The eyes are the windows to the soul”

答案: Healthy eyes reflect healthy state of mind.

2、 The audience may feel the speaker is______ if he avoids eye contact.

答案: untrustworthy

3、 Which of the following is NOT an important factor in delivering a speech

答案: Accent

4、 How do you create enthusiasm in a speech

答案: Be emotionally involved in your subject.

5、 Which of the follwoing is NOT a good policy in using humor in your speech

答案: Announce that you are going to tell a joke by saying “Let me tell you a funny story.”

6、 Which of the following dress code is not appropriate for an academic presentation

答案: Resort casual

7、 Which of the following gesturescan be used to move your audience from one idea to the next or to enumerate things

答案: Transitional gestures

8、 Which of the following is an effective way to non-verbally support a speaker’s message

答案: Use enthusiasm and humor to strengthen the delivering effects.

9、 Which of the following is NOT the rule of eye contact in presentation

答案: Look directly at one person and speak to that person.







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