中国大学mooc慕课 中国画学·中国人物画的春秋与写照(中国美术学院) 答案满分完整版章节测试


第二章 白描大观 Grand view of ‘bai miao’–plain line-drawing 第二章单元测验 Chapter 2 Module Tests

1、 吴道子被称为 Wu Daozi is known as a

答案: 画圣Painter Saint

2、 吴道子是 朝人Wu Daozi lived in the dynasty

答案: 唐Tang

3、 吴道子的画风被后人称为“ ”Wu Daozi’s style is
named by later generations as ” “

答案: 吴家样Wu’s pattern

4、 下列属于细笔的描法为The technique that
belongs to fine drawings is

答案: 钉头鼠尾描nail-head and

5、 顾恺之的《女史箴图》用的描法为The drawing technique
in Gu Kaizhi’s Admonition of the Imperial Instructress is

答案: 高古游丝描gossamer line

6、 下列画家中以白描手法著称于世的是Which painter was
known for plain drawing

答案: 李公麟Li Gonglin

7、 吴道子的作品设色风格被称为“吴装”,原因是Wu Daozi’s use of
color is called “Wu’s pattern” because

答案: 吴道子的线条的表现力极强,怕过多的填色反而阻碍了线条的表达Wu Daozi’s lines are
so expressive that too much color filling will undermine their expressiveness.

8、 宋代画家 从白画的画稿中发展出素淡的白描Which Song painter
developed the simple and understated plain drawing from the sketches of white

答案: 李公麟Li Gonglin

9、 下列作品中那个采用高古游丝描Which of the
following works is painted in archaic gossamer line

答案: 女史箴图Admonition of the Imperial Instructress

10、 张彦远评价 的作品“六法俱全,万象必尽,像神人假手,穷极造化也””All Six
Principles have been fulfilled and myriad phenomena completely expressed. Some
god must be painting through his hand, so profoundly does his work fathom the
power of Creation itself.” Who was thus appraised by Zhang Yanyuan

答案: 吴道子Wu Daozi

11、 北齐杨子华《北齐校书图》所采用的描法为The drawing technique
Yang Zihua of Northern Qi used in Northern Qi Scholars Collating Classic
Texts is

答案: 铁线描iron wire line

12、 战笔描的运笔核心是时刻保持The key to moving the
brush to draw the tremulous line is

答案: 中锋centering brush tip

13、 下列哪些描法是由吴道子“吴带当风”演变而来Which of the
techniques evolved from Wu Daozi’s “drapery blowing in the wind”

答案: 钉头鼠尾描nail-head and
mouse-tail line;
兰叶描orchid leaf line;
枣核描jujube pit line

14、 下列哪些属于“六法”Which of the
following are part of the Six Principles

答案: 气韵生动breath-resonance-life-motion;
骨法用笔bone method in the
use of the brush;
随类赋彩following kind in
applying colors;
传移模写transmitting and
transferring in making copies

15、 现传《道子墨宝》为 朝代的摹本,是 宗教题材壁画的画稿In which dynasty was
the copy made of the extant Ink Treasure of Wu Daozi Which religion is
the subject of the sketches of murals

答案: 宋代Song dynasty;

16、 毛笔锋毫结构分为A brush consists of

答案: 笔尖brush tip;
笔肚brush belly;
笔根brush end

17、 下列作品哪些采用高古游丝描Which of the below
works use the archaic gossamer line

答案: 女史箴图Admonition of the Imperial Instructress;

洛神赋Nymph of the Luo River

18、 下列作品哪些采用琴弦描Which of the below
works use the zither string line

答案: 八十七神仙卷The Eighty-seven Immortals;
伯牙鼓琴图Bo Ya Playing the Zither for His Friend

19、 高古游丝描的特点有The features of the
archaic gossamer line are

答案: 线条纤细slenderness of line;
循环往复circular or
reciprocal motion;
绵延不息unbroken continuity

20、 吴道子的艺术身份The artist Wu Daizi
worked as a

答案: 画家painter;

21、 下列哪些作品采用“异时同图”的绘画方式?Which of the below
works use “anachronistic juxtaposition”

答案: 后赤壁赋Ode on the Red Cliff;
洛神赋Nymph of the Luo River;
步辇图Emperor Taizong in a Sedan Chair Greeting Three Envoys from Tibet

22、 下列说法正确的有The following
statements are correct

答案: 《女史箴图》采用高古游丝描The line ofAdmonition of the Imperial Instructressisgossamer line;
《女史箴图》是一幅工笔重彩作品Admonition of the Imperial Instructress is afine outline and heavy washes of color picture

23、 吴道子为唐代画家,被称为画圣Wu Daozi lived in
Tang dynasty and was acclaimed as Painter Saint.

答案: 正确

24、 宋代李公麟从白画的画稿中发展出素淡的白描Li Gonglin of Song
developed the simple and understated plain drawing from the sketches of white

答案: 正确

25、 铁线描线条纤细、循环往复、绵延不息,代表作北齐杨子华《北齐校书图》、唐阎立本《历代帝王图》《步辇图》The iron wire line is
slender, and moves in a circular and continuous manner, represented by Northern
Qi Scholars Collating Classic Texts by Yang Zihua of Northern Qi, Thirteen
Emperors Scroll and Emperor Taizong in a Sedan Chair Greeting Three
Envoys from Tibet by Yan Liben of Tang.

答案: 错误

26、 战笔描代表作有周文矩《重屏会棋图》、梁楷《八高僧图卷》The tremulous line is
represented by Playing Chess by Double Screens by Zhou Wenju and Illustrations
to Events in the Lives of Eight Famous Monks by Liang Kai.

答案: 正确

27、 吴道子的用笔不同于当时世俗流行的画风Wu Daozi’s brushwork
did not follow the norm of his day.

答案: 正确

28、 高古游丝描又称春蚕吐丝描Archaic gossamer line
is also known as silkworm spinning threads.

答案: 正确

29、 唐阎立本《历代帝王图》《步辇图》采用行云流水描Yan Liben of Tang
used the scudding-cloud-and-running-water line in Thirteen Emperors Scrolland Emperor Taizong in a Sedan Chair Greeting Three Envoys from Tibet.

答案: 错误

30、 不同的描法适用于表达不同衣服的质感、不同人物性格身份Different drawing
techniques serve to represent different textures of clothing and personalities
of the figures.

答案: 正确

31、 现传《道子墨宝》为唐代吴道子原作,本是佛教壁画的画稿The extant Ink
Treasure of Wu Daozi was an original work by Wu Daozi of Tang, and a
collection of sketches for Buddhist murals.

答案: 错误

32、 传吴道子从观看公孙大娘舞剑获得线条表现的灵感Wu Daozi drew his
inspiration of line drawing from Lady Gongsun’s sword dances.

答案: 正确

33、 李公麟《五马图》的描法以琴弦描为主The principal
technique used in Li Gonglin’s Five Tribute Horses is zither string

答案: 错误

34、 高古游丝描特点线条纤细、循环往复、绵延不息The archaic gossamer
line is slender, circular and continuous.

答案: 正确

35、 谢赫六法为:气韵生动, ,应物象形,随类赋彩,经营位置,传移模写Xie He’s Six
Principles are: breath-resonance-life-motion, , responding to things by the representation of form, following kind in
applying colors, plotting and planning position and place and transmitting and
transferring in making copies.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)骨法用笔;
bone method in the use of the brush

36、 吴道子画风被称为 Wu Daozi’s style of
painting is called
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)吴家样;
Wu’s pattern

37、 评价吴道子“六法俱全,万象必尽,像神人假手,穷极造化也”According to , in Wu Daozi’s works, “all Six Principles have been fulfilled and
myriad phenomena completely expressed. Some god must be painting through his
hand, so profoundly does his work fathom the power of Creation itself.”
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)张彦远;
Zhang Yanyuan

38、 细笔描法有高古游丝、琴弦描、铁线描、行云流水描、 、曹衣描等Fine line techniques
include archaic gossamer line, zither string line, iron wire line, , tremulous line and clinging clothing
line, etc.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)战笔描;
scudding-cloud-and-running-water line

39、 《道子墨宝》所用白描描法 、Works in Ink
Treasure of Wu Daozi were executed in
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)钉头鼠尾描;
nail-head and mouse-tail line

第三章 “诗画意象”—-诗仙与画疯子 Poetry and Painting —- “Fairy” poet and “crazy” painter 第三章单元测验Chapter 3 Mo

1、 《太白行吟图》作者为Who painted The
Poet Li Bai Walking and Chanting a Poem

答案: 梁楷Liang Kai

2、 梁楷是 朝人Liang Kai lived in
the dynasty

答案: 南宋Southern Song

3、 南宋画家马和之擅长 The Southern Song
painter Ma Hexhi excelled in drawing

答案: 蚂蝗描leech line

4、 二祖调心图是石恪的作品,他用的是什么描法What technique did
Shi Ke use in Two Patriarchs Harmonizing Their Minds

答案: 混描mixed and layered

5、 古人将传统人物白描被分为几种样式How many types did
the ancients identify in traditional plain drawing figure paintings

答案: 十八种eighteen

6、 下列属于粗笔的描法为Which of the
following is a thick line technique

答案: 秃笔撅头描split brush line

7、 梁楷晚期的粗笔代表作品是The representative
work of thick line drawing in Liang Kai’s late years is

答案: 太白行吟图The Poet Li Bai Walking and Chanting a Poem

8、 折芦描是Folded rush leaf line

答案: 是一种人物描法,起笔按压行笔,收尾时提笔,像风中翻折的芦叶,常被用于宽大的衣袍a figure drawing
technique which involves pressing down the brush in the beginning and lifting
it at the end to produce strokes like rush leaves folded in the wind, which are
often used to render loose clothes.

9、 梁楷《六祖撕经图》采用哪种描法Liang Kai’s The
Sixth Patriarch Tearing up a Sutra employs

答案: 竹叶描bamboo leaf

10、 李唐采薇图采用哪种构图方式Li Tang’s Gathering
Wild Herbs uses which of the following compositional types

答案: 鸟瞰式bird’s eye view

11、 梁楷师承哪位画家Liang Kai was a
disciple to

答案: 李公麟Li Gonglin

12、 李唐采薇图采用哪种描法Li Tang’s Gathering
Wild Herbs uses which of the following techniques

答案: 柳叶描willow-leaf-shaped

13、 秃笔撅头描多出现于山水,代表画家有 和 Split brush line is
most commonly used in landscape painting, with representative painters and

答案: 马远Ma Yuan;
夏圭Xia Gui

14、 梁楷早期作品有Liang Kai’s early works include:

答案: 八高僧图卷Illustrations to Events in
the Lives of Eight Famous Monks;
泼墨仙人图Immortal in Splashed Ink

15、 下列描法中不属于粗笔的是Among the following
drawing techniques, that which do not belong to thick lines are

答案: 铁线描iron wire line;
钉头鼠尾描nail-head and
mouse-tail line

16、 下列作品哪些采用混描Which of the works
below use mixed and layered line

答案: 石恪《二祖调心图》Shi Ke’s Two
Patriarchs Harmonizing Their Minds;
梁楷《布袋和尚》Liang Kai’s Monk

17、 下列哪些被后人称为禅宗画家Which of the below
artists are classified as Chan painters

答案: 牧溪Muxi;
梁楷Liang Kai

18、 简笔描特点有Features of
abbreviated drawing include

答案: 删繁就简paring down to the
豪迈豁达valor and generosity;
用笔简易simple brushwork

19、 以下是马和之作品的有Which of the below
are Ma Hezhi’s works

答案: 唐风图Odes of Tang;
月色秋声Bright Moon amid Sounds of Autumn

20、 下面不属于减笔描的有Which of the below do
not employ abbreviated brushwork

答案: 月色秋声Bright Moon amid Sounds of Autumn;
泼墨仙人图Immortal in Splashed Ink;
八高僧图卷Illustrations to Events in the Lives of Eight Famous Monks

21、 下列描述符合竹叶描特点有Which of the
following are features of the bamboo leaf line

答案: 用笔横卧如竹叶horizontal brushwork
reminiscent of a bamboo leaf;
线条绵延不断continuous line;
提按变化明显obvious changes in
pressing down and lifting the brush

22、 橄榄描的特点有Features of the olive
line include

答案: 形似橄榄olive-shaped;
头尾尖细tapering and pointed
at both ends;
中间粗如腰腹swollen in the middle;
适用于描绘破旧的衣服suitable for
depicting tattered and worn clothes

23、 下列不属于枣核描特点的有Which of the below
are not features of the jujube pit line

答案: 小笔挥洒tiny strokes;
用笔露锋exposed tip

24、 蚂蝗描和兰叶描的共同特点有Both the leech line
and the orchid leaf line are characterized by

答案: 灵活扭曲flexible twisting;
翻卷舒展curling and unfolding

25、 蚂蝗描由兰叶描而来The leech line
evolved from the orchid leaf line.

答案: 正确

26、 古人画罗汉或古僧多用枣核描Most ancient
paintings of luohans and monks were drawn in the jujube pit line.

答案: 正确

27、 梁楷是民间画师Liang Kai mainly
painted for the common people.

答案: 错误

28、 粗笔描有折芦描、混描、兰叶描、枣核描、竹叶描等folded rush leaf
line, mixed and layered line, orchid leaf line, jujube pit line and bamboo leaf
line, etc.

答案: 正确

29、 真正让指墨画绽放光彩是清代高其佩Finger painting
really flourished in the hands of Gao Qipei of the Qing dynasty.

答案: 正确

30、 梁楷《六祖撕经图》采用折芦描Liang Kai’s The
Sixth Patriarch Tearing up a Sutra employs the folded rush leaf line.

答案: 错误







中国大学mooc慕课 中国画学·中国人物画的春秋与写照(中国美术学院)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 中国画学·中国人物画的春秋与写照(中国美术学院)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





中国大学mooc慕课 中国画学·中国人物画的春秋与写照(中国美术学院)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

