跨文化交际口语(北京第二外国语学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Test for Unit 1

1、 Which one is not appropriate for a formal greeting?

答案: How’s it going?

2、 When you want to introduce yourself, you can say the following sentence except?

答案: Hi, how are things?

3、 Find the responses used to greet people in a informal conversation.

答案: I’m fine, thanks.;
It’s great to see you too!;
I’m fine, and you?

4、 Find the expressions that can introduce “Yourself”.

答案: I’m called…;
My parents are from…;
I studied…

5、 In Chinese and Japanese culture, it is common for people to exchange kisses when being introduced.

答案: 错误

6、 It’s always a good idea to use other person’s name in your response.

答案: 正确

7、 There are many different ways of greeting people, both verbal and non-verbal.

答案: 正确

8、 English speakers will often say “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” in a business setting, which is accompanied by a ( ).
答案: handshake

9、 Chinese people ask each other whether they have eaten when they meet to show their ( ).
答案: friendship

10、 In Asian culture, people (should/should not) exchange name cards with one hand.
答案: should not

Unit 2 Test for Unit 2

1、 Which of the following invitations is effective?

答案: I am going to give a party this Friday night, would you like to join us?

2、 Which of the following is a social event?

答案: going to the cinema with friends

3、 When arranging social events, what could you say for knowing others’ preference?

答案: What would you like to do?;
Do you fancy going…?;
Where would you like to go?

4、 When giving responses to an invtation, what does a native English speaker tend to do?

答案: Tend to give a clear answer.;
Tend to say no directly if he/she can’t go.

5、 People from Chinese culture tend to give a definite response to an invitation.

答案: 错误

6、 Going to watch a basketball game with classmates is a social event.

答案: 正确

7、 People from different cultures might have different preferences of social events.

答案: 正确

8、 When you arrange a social event, you need to show your own ___ and ask others what they would like to do?
答案: preference

9、 When making an effective invitation, we’d better cover 3 elements. They are time, place and ___.
答案: confirmation

10、 When declining an invitation, a westerner usually tend to say no straightforward and give the __ for not coming.
答案: reasons

Unit 3 Test for Unit 3

1、 Which of the following attitude towards foreign cultures is not proper?

答案: Blind worship

2、 Cultural differences on directness and indirectness can be found except

答案: suggestion offering

3、 Chinese people tend to

答案: emphasizes the importance of harmony with a group.;
put the feelings of others before their own.

4、 People from English-speaking countries are reluctant to talk about

答案: marriage;

5、 Knowing about cultural differences can help us avoid some unwitting mistakes when we communicate with people from other cultures.

答案: 正确

6、 Offering suggestions actively can always make others feel your hospitality.

答案: 错误

7、 Physical space is part of privacy.

答案: 正确

8、 Chinese tradition emphasizes the importance of which holds that each member should put family, society and nation before their own.

答案: collectivism

9、 In the west, for the most part, people are deeply affected by which values individual achievement, independence, and control over events.
答案: individualism

10、 Chinese people are inclined to be while people from an individualist culture tend to be direct.
答案: indirect

Unit 4 Test for Unit 4

1、 In the sentence “Would you like to see a film tonight?”, if one wants to emphasize the time, he/she should put stress on _______.

答案: tonight

2、 One should mostly include _______ when making a complaint.

答案: facts

3、 Using a wide pitch of range helps the speaker to sound ____.

答案: interested ;

4、 When making a complaint, one can _______.

答案: put the complaint in writing;
start by stating what you are complaining about

5、 Chinese and English have different pronouncing systems.

答案: 正确

6、 Even though the stress of a sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence will not change.

答案: 错误

7、 A written complaint is taken more seriously and it helps others to have a clear idea of your experience.

答案: 正确

8、 When stress is put on the first syllable of “conduct”, part of the speech of the word is ___.
答案: noun

9、 Chinese has four_____ and English has different intonations.
答案: tones

10、 _____ is the emphasis that a speaker puts on a certain part of a word, a phrase or a sentence.
答案: Stress

Unit 5 Test for Unit 5

1、 Which is an example of dissatisfaction?

答案: Jacob put very little effort is his presentation. 

2、 A key barrier to good cross-cultural relation is ____, the assumption that the ways of one’s culture are the best of doing everything.

答案: ethnocentrism

3、 Which of the following are strategies that will help overcome communication barriers with foreigners?

答案: Be sensitive to nonverbal communication differences. ;
Pay attention to individual differences.;
Be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior. 

4、 I’m really ______ the kind of films that keeps you on the edge of your seat. What about you?

答案: keen on;

5、 People in different social groups may endorse the same values but associate different behaviors with them.

答案: 正确

6、 Compared with Chinese parents, American parents seldom compliment their children. Otherwise they might get too proud.

答案: 错误

7、 The response “哪里,哪里” shows that Chinese people usually scale down other’s praise.

答案: 正确

8、 People usually use ______ words to praise and encourage others, such as fantastic, terrific or awesome.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)complimentary;

9、 In most cases, topics of praise and compliments mainly focus on two aspects: one is about ___ and belongings, and the other is about ability and achievements.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)appearance;

10、 Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) to shed light on the depth of culture’s influence on __, which allowed them to see neural responses to positive expressions in people from different cultures.
答案: preferences

Unit 6 Test for Unit 6

1、 What should you pay attention to when giving advice to people from different cultures?

答案: cultural-loaded words

2、 What would be the other possible factor that cause cultural misunderstanding in a conversation besides cultural-loaded words?

答案: ways of listening

3、 What are the main ways of listening?

答案: Liner, one-at-a-time approach;
Several people talk at once, joining in and interrupting

4、 What are the main ways of giving advise?

答案: My advice would be to…;
I strongly believe you should…;
You need to remember that…;
Instead of focusing on the negatives,…

5、 Traditionally, Chinese people don’t like bat, there is an old Chinese saying “Crazy as bat”.

答案: 错误
分析:Chinese people like bat. They think bat stands for good luck.

6、 ”One opinion is that……” is a way of giving advice in English.

答案: 正确

7、 People from the Arabian world listen in a liner way.

答案: 错误
分析:They would like several people talking at once, joining in and interrupting freely.

8、 To respond properly to English speaker we should consider two things: one is what to say–the content, the other is __.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)when to say;
ways of listening

9、 Chinese people listen in a __, one-at-a-time approach.
答案: liner

10、 People from Geece would like several people talking together, joining in and ______ freely.
答案: interrupting

Unit 7 Test for Unit 7

1、 Which one is a typical example of superstition in Chinese culture?

答案:  4 means death.

2、 Which statement is not correct based on superstition definition?

答案:  Superstition is a kind of customs.

3、 What are the reasons for superstition existence?

答案: uncertainties;

4、 What are the typical examples of western superstitions?

答案: Biting your tongue while eating means you recently told a lie.;
A twitch in the left eye means there will be a death in the family.;
A twitch in the left eye means there will be a birth in the family.

5、 The appearance of superstition is the external manifestation of human tension and anxiety.

答案: 正确

6、 Superstition only refers to a series of actions in our lives.

答案: 错误

7、 Americans are crazy about the number 8 just because 8 means “wealth”.

答案: 错误

8、 Superstition is a kind of belief, practice, or rite based on myth, magic or irrational thoughts. It is maintained by ___of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.
答案: ignorance

9、 Human life is always troubled by tension and anxiety. The appearance of superstition is the _____of human tension and anxiety.
答案: external manifestation

10、 It is considered ___to stick chopsticks straight up in a bowl of rice.
答案: bad luck

Unit 8 Test for Unit 8

1、 Which tip is not for the job-interview?

答案: Speak as much as possible.

2、 When you are misunderstood in a global working condition, what should you do?

答案: To explain your conditions sincerely. 

3、 What should you do before going for a job-interview?

答案: To be familiar with the company in which you will have a job-interview.;
To know your advantages and disadvantages. ;
To wear formally when you attend the interview.;
To arrive earlier when you attend the interview.

4、 Which one is not correct when you attend a job-interview?

答案: To speak as much as possible.;
To boast yourself.;
To avoid eye contact with interviewers.;
To interrupt interviewers’ questions.

5、 It is necessary to explain the situation when you are misunderstood by others.

答案: 正确

6、 It is necessary to exaggerate the things you have done when attending a job-interview.

答案: 错误

7、 It is necessary to show your advantages when you want to seize a chance to do something.

答案: 正确

8、 We ____ (should/ should not) show our advantages when we attend a job-interview.
答案: should

9、 According to the class, most South Koreans tend to be _____. (modest/ arrogant)
答案: modest

10、 According to the class, you had better explain when you are _____ by others.
答案: misunderstood

Unit 9 Test for Unit 9

1、 When do we use a pie chart?

答案: All of the other three.

2、 Which is the correct order to make a pie chart?1— Select the data you entered.2— Select the type of pie chart you need.3— Select “Insert”, and then “Pie”.4— Type your data into an Excel worksheet.5— Supplement the information you need.

答案: 4-1-3-2-5

3、 Which of the following terms are used to describe a pie chart?

答案: Area.;
Chart title.;
Data label.;
Central angle.;
Arc length.

4、 People from which country prefer deductive pattern of presentating graphs?

答案: Canada. ;
The Great Britain.

5、 The cultural conflicts aroused by different patterns of graph presentation are caused by the variations in different languages and cultures.

答案: 正确

6、 Graphs are commonly used in oral presentations to help illustrate the trend of data.

答案: 正确

7、 The more colors there are used in pie charts, the better the data and trends are expressed.

答案: 错误

8、 The two various modes in the order of describing data are clockwise mode and __ mode.
答案: counter clockwise

9、 The cultural differences in presenting graphs in business meetings may cause cultural __.
答案: conflicts

10、 There are two patterns of presenting graphs: deductive pattern and __ pattern.
答案: inductive

Unit 10 Test for Unit 10

1、 Suppose you meet some new classmates at a party, what is the best choice to start a conversation?

答案: Introduce yourself and ask some general questions about the others.

2、 Suppose you work as a tour guide for some Indonesian travelers, what can you do to show you are supportive of their culture?

答案: Show your interest in their local Gamelan music.

3、 What should you be aware of in making small talks?

答案: Always avoid something that is too private.;
Always avoid religious taboos and potentially controversial topics.;
To be nice means never talk about ages, marriage, household incomes.

4、 Why should pay extra attention to taboos in our daily conversation?

答案: Taboos serve as a set of social norms and help to explain the division between what is appropriate and inappropriate.;
Taboos often reflect the history of a culture, and it is part of one’s social identity.;
Taboos and superstitions were often regarded as integral part of traditional education.;
Violation of taboos would be met with social punishments that include alienation, and exclusion.

5、 Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication and it involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions.

答案: 正确

6、 The awareness of diverse culture helps to dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups.

答案: 正确

7、 When we are meeting new friends, we should proactively ask questions, instead of merely listening and accepting their ideas.

答案: 错误

8、 The definition of Multiculturalism refers to __(rec.) and respect the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society.
答案: recognize

9、 Socio-cultural differences shall be ____(ack.) in cross-cultural exchanges.
答案: acknowledged

10、 Being culturally aware is about___ (compromising/ not compromising) your own culture, values or identity for another’s.
答案: not compromising

Unit 11 Test for Unit 11

1、 Which one is not individulism?

答案: It focuses on shame and seek to avoid it.

2、 Which one is not collectivism?

答案: They want their own voices to be heard in the group work.

3、 How to analyze priorities and factors to reach a decision?

答案: Decide on criteria to be applied.;
Apply the criteria to each option.;
Discover which option satisfies the criteria the best.;
Make the selection.

4、 What expressions can be helpful when talking about the important factors?

答案: X is the most important thing in life.;
It’s difficult to say which has a greater or lesser influence on.;
We could argue that money is equally important.;
This affects X, which in turn affects X.

5、 An expectation in individualistic cultures is to be self-reliant, so people are expected to speak up and express their personal opinions, even if they’re contrary to those of the others.

答案: 正确

6、 In collectivist cultures, a person’s identity is not likely to favor promoting group harmony than expressing their contrary personal opinion.

答案: 错误

7、 In individualist society, people are expected to define themselves as independent from their family or any social groups.

答案: 正确

8、 ___emphasizes and respects individual right and ability.
答案: Individualism

9、 In___ countries, being a part of the collective group gives a promise of safety and a source of identity as long as the person remains loyal to that group.
答案: collectivist

10、 In collectivist societies, a person’s ______is tied up with that of their group, such as family members, co-workers, or members of some other group.
答案: identity





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