通用学术英语(西南交通大学)1465517548 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit One Quiz One

1、 Which of the following discipline is NOT related to AIEd?

答案: architecture

2、 The scientific goal of AIEd is ____.

A:to make students learn how to use computer software
B:to enable students to learn explicit knowledge
C:to give us a deeper understandings of how learning actually happens
D:to learn educational, psychological and social knowledge
答案: to give us a deeper understandings of how learning actually happens

3、 Please read the following assignment description carefully and find out which parameter for the assignment is not clear. “Your assignment is to write a 3- page paper (5-7 pages, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, APA format) answering the questions “…………” Answers to these questions should be based upon a careful analysis of the cases studied in the articles and class discussion.

A:The length
C: Format   
答案: Deadline 

4、  When choosing a tentative topic, you should find out except

A: Its relevance to the assignment
B:The amount of research material available on the topic
C:How general your search topic might be
D:How narrow your research topic must be
答案: How general your search topic might be

5、 The following sources are considered as appropriate and necessary source of gathering information at college-level work except

B:Newspaper and magazine
D:Online materials
答案: Newspaper and magazine

6、 Artificial intelligence is the Science and Engineering domain concerned with the theory and practice of developing systems.

答案: 正确

7、 The main scientific goal of the study of artificial intelligence is to help develop the intelligent behavior in humans, animals, and artificial agents.

答案: 错误

8、 This scientific goal of artificial intelligence directly supports mechanizing reasoning in all areas of human endeavor, making working with computers as easy as working with people.

答案: 正确

9、 Artificial intelligence has intersects with linguistics.

答案: 正确

10、 An intelligent agent can exhibit goal-directed behavior and dynamically choosing which actions to take.

答案: 正确

Unit Two Quiz Two

1、 Annotation is defined as _____.

A:looking up information we do not know as we read a text
B:making notes and marking up a text to better understand what we read
C: making a key of markings for future reference
D:a system of reading
答案: making notes and marking up a text to better understand what we read

2、 When thinking about annotation, you should consider all of the following EXCEPT______.

A:listing thorough notes on each page of text
B:using system consistently/repeatedly
C:creating a key of markings and notations
D:keeping markings to a minimum
答案: keeping markings to a minimum

3、 You have located an excellent source from the library to use in your argumentative essay, and you need to mark the text. The best way to make annotations in this library book is to _.

A: fold the corners of the important pages under slightly in order to mark them
B:underline in pencil and go back and erase when you are finished
C:use a highlighter because you know the library will be happy to see the book being used
D:use sticky notes for your annotations because they can be removed later
答案: use sticky notes for your annotations because they can be removed later

4、 Which of the following is NOT a benefit of annotating a text?

A:restating ideas in your own words
B:forcing you to read for more than just the surface meaning
C:reading a difficult text faster than you normally would
D:creating a record of information you may want to refer to in the future
答案: reading a difficult text faster than you normally would

5、  The information that you annotate in a passage will depend on your _.

A:ability to paraphrase
C:reading rate
答案: purpose

6、  If you are looking for meaningful patterns while annotating a text, you could best annotate the passage by _.

A: circling words that you can use in order to paraphrase the author’s ideas
B:drawing smiley faces next to ideas that you agree with
C:marking any ideas that you find difficult to understand and that should be ignored
D:highlighting each pattern in a different color and noting questions using the same color ink 
答案: highlighting each pattern in a different color and noting questions using the same color ink 

7、 If you are annotating an argument, you should underline _.

A:the minor details that expand upon the main ideas
B:the thesis and the reasons or evidence used to support it
C:the words you do not know
D:the patterns in the text
答案: the thesis and the reasons or evidence used to support it

8、 Highlighting keywords, writing comments in the margin, and connecting ideas with lines or symbols are ways to _ a passage.

C: summarize
答案: annotate

9、 While inadequate infrastructure—in particular, poor roads and vehicles without modern safety equipment—plays a role in the high death toll, human error is an important contributor. What does “infrastructure” mean in this sentence? 

A:the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area
B:the high death toll
C:human error as an important contributor
D:all of the above
答案: the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area

10、 Developing countries often rank low on the LPI because logistics expenditures as a percentage of GDP are usually higher. What does “logistics” mean in this sentence?

B:An operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed.
C:Low rank on the LPI
D:the power of AI
答案: An operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed.

Unit Three Quiz Three

1、 Which of the definition is the best to define “calorie”?

A:Calorie is one way to document our daily food consumptions.
B:Calorie is how much energy we get when we eat. 
C:Calorie is one way to document the energy we consume and use. 
D:People gain calories when they eat.
答案: Calorie is one way to document the energy we consume and use. 

2、  In the following sentence, from which following aspects does the sentence extend the definition?‎ “An endangered species is a species (a population) of animals, plants or other organisms that is in danger of becoming extinct. This could happen because there are few of that animal left, its predators have grown in number, or the climate that it lives in is changing, or the places it lives in have been destroyed.”

D:Working principles
答案: Working principles

3、 Which is the right order of writing an essay?① Find supporting evidence② Create an outline③ Create a strong thesis④ Write the first draft⑤ Analyze the essay question of problem⑥ Revise ,proof-read and submit

答案: 5-3-1-2-4-6

4、 Copyright is the law put in place to _ plagiarism. When someone copyrights something, it means they own the rights to copying that item.

A: avoid

答案: prevent


5、 The effective note-taking should have:

A:a paraphrase of the important ideas
B:a note of the publication title, date, authors’ names, page numbers and publishers 
C:a summary of main ideas and chief findings of the source
D:direct quotations of the key statements, and statistics such as percentages and dates 
答案: a paraphrase of the important ideas;
a note of the publication title, date, authors’ names, page numbers and publishers ;
a summary of main ideas and chief findings of the source

6、 A summary is the general idea of the original material in brief form. The features of a summary include:

A:It is an efficient and concise way of presenting ideas and information from other sources .
B:It allows you to include a large amount of information in a small number of words .
C:It is shorter than the original text .
D:You can summarize many types and lengths of text.
答案: It is an efficient and concise way of presenting ideas and information from other sources .;
It allows you to include a large amount of information in a small number of words .;
It is shorter than the original text .;
You can summarize many types and lengths of text.

7、 “Implicit learning” is one of the many concepts in the field of education, and usually it goes along with the term “explicit learning”. The definition is an appropriate definition. 

答案: 错误

8、 Participants should focus on extending or adding to ideas in brainstorming. Therefore criticism or judgment of ideas should be welcomed.

答案: 错误

9、 The Cornell Note-Taking System is a very simple yet effective note-taking system for students and business people alike.

答案: 正确

10、 The main forms of borrowing ideas are using citation, quotations, paraphrasing and summarizing, they are the important means to avoid plagiarism.

答案: 正确





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